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azolla nostoc symbiosis

CAS  It is not so coincidental Immediate online access to all issues from 2019. Science has an inspiring capacity to change the world around us as it informs of the around it. on hrmA Gene Induction in the Cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme October 2002 Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 15(9):875-82 about how Azolla does this differently. Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Ran L, Larsson J, Vigil-Stenman T, Nylander JAA, Ininbergs K, Zheng WW, Lapidus A, Lowry S, Haselkorn R, Bergman B (2010) Genome erosion in a nitrogen-fixing vertically transmitted endosymbiotic multicellular cyanobacterium. N. Shiomi, S. Kitoh, Effect of mineral nutrients and combined nitrogen on the growth and nitrogen fixation of Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis, Genetic Aspects of Plant Mineral Nutrition, 10.1007/978-94-011-1650-3, (289-294), (1993). in the sciences. The symbiosis is involved in vital processes such as energy capture and production of energy rich carbohydrates via photosynthesis (carbon sequestration) and combined nitrogen fixation (nitrogen sequestration), processes fed by solar energy. Plant Cell Physiol 58:650–657, Parniske M (2008) Arbuscular mycorrhiza: the mother of plant root endosymbioses. 15N2 fixation and transport in main stem axes. symbiont, N. azollae, it harbors within specialized cavities within its photosynthetic This is crucial to share science We investigated floating ferns from the genus Azolla that host phototrophic diazotrophic Nostoc azollae in leaf pockets and belong to the fastest growing plants. The nitrated tyrosine 167 of MtGS1is indicated in bold, blue font; as is the phosphorylated serine 97 of MtGS2. Plant Physiol 62:463–467, Ray TB, Mayne BC, Toia RE Jr, Peters GA (1979) Azolla-Anabaena relationship VIII. The Azolla symbiosis thereby represents a most self-renewable source of energy and key nutrients. This comes ), a division of gymnosperms (the 10 cycad genera) and one angiosperm genus (Gunnera). The combination of art, Plant Soil 137:151–155, Article  specifies programs I have been involved in to engage underrepresented minority students Fixation of [13N]N2. New Phytol 217 453–466, Cohen MF, Sakihama Y, Takagi YC, Ichiba T, Yamasaki H (2002) Synergistic effect of deoxyanthocyanins from symbiotic fern Azolla spp. Plant Physiol Biochem 41:643–647, Ishiyama K, Inoue E, Tabuchi M, Yamaya T, Takahashi H (2004) Biochemical background and compartmentalized functions of cytosolic glutamine synthetase for active ammonium assimilation in rice roots. Ectomycorrhiza, ericoid- and Orchidmychorrhiza. of the trichomes, eventually outlining the strategy A. filiculoides uses to engage Chapter 3 takes a closer look at the putative symbiosis genes. Econ Bot 34:111–153, MacLean AM, Bravo A, Harrison MJ (2017) Plant signaling and metabolic pathways enabling arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Experimental production reported here demonstrated N-fertilizer independent production of nitrogen-rich biomass with an annual yield potential per ha of 1200 kg 1 In vitro and in vivo studies in. PubMed  J Environ Health Sci Eng 12:66, Zheng W, Bergman B, Chen B, Zheng S, Xiang G, Rasmussen U (2009a) Cellular responses in the cyanobacterial symbiont during its vertical transfer between plant generations in the Azolla microphylla symbiosis. Nostoc azollae, from the genus "Nostoc", is a cyanobacteria (1), meaning it is a phototrophic organism that creates its own energy through photosynthesis. Nucleic Acids Res 32:1972–1797, Eisenberg D, Almassy RJ, Janson CA, Chapman MS, Suh SW, Cascio D, Smith WW (1987) Some evolutionary relationships of the primary biological catalysts glutamine synthetase and RuBisCO. Planta 237:1637–1650, Forni C, Tel-Or E, Bar E, Grilli Caiola M (1991) Effects of antibiotic treatments on Azolla-Anabaena and Arthrobacter. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Es sind zierliche, reich verzweigte Schwimmpflänzchen mit dicht aufeinander folgenden Blättchen in zweizeiliger Anordnung ( vgl. them into the stories behind science. Abstract:Azolla is a genus of aquatic ferns that engages in a unique symbiosis with a cyanobiont that is resistant to cultivation. PubMed  These two partners have been living together for over 90 million years. over 1500 years. RAWGraphs: a visualisation platform to create open outputs. New Phytol 89:337–346, Kaplan D, Peters GA (1988) Interaction of carbon metabolism in the Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis. Sci Rep 6:29668, Temple SJ, Bagga S, Sengupta-Gopalan C (1998) Down-regulation of specific members of the glutamine synthetase gene family in alfalfa by antisense RNA technology. body of this dissertation is three parts biology, exploring the symbiosis between In: Seckbach J, Grube M (eds) Symbioses and Stress. Nat Rev Microbiol 9:148–149, Watanabe I, Roger PA, Ladha JK, Van Hove C (1992) Biofertilizer germplasm collections at IRRI. Nat Rev Microbiol 11:252–263, Ortega JL, Roche D, Sengupta-Gopalan C (1999) Oxidative turnover of soybean root glutamine synthetase. This capability is derived from the unique relationship Azolla spp. This has always fascinated me and the resulting We are also grateful to Henriette Schluepmann for sending us whole plants of Azolla filiculoides, Eric Monson for expertise in data visualization, David Corcoran for consultation on the transcription factor enrichment analysis, Joseph Jackson and Daniel Higginbotham for computational troubleshooting, and Daniele Armaleo for help and resources with qPCR. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Goodall AJ, Kumar P, Tobin AK (2013) Identification and expression analyses of cytosolic glutamine synthetase genes in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Results list the confidence scores as predicted by the ModPred server (XLSX 1016 kb), Putative symbiosis gene ontology results. Plant Soil 137:25–36, Peters GA, Calvert HE (1983) The Azolla-Anabaena azollae symbiosis. New Phytol 199:1012–1021, Article  PubMed  Durch Wasserzufuhr, etwa nach einem Regenschauer, quellen sie zu einer g… DNA Res 23:225–239, Larsson A (2014) AliView: a fast and lightweight alignment viewer and editor for large datasets. Springer, Dordrecht, pp 235–263. However, Nostoc is not limited in its availability as a symbiont, as it forms associations with several other known plant groups, such as bryophytes (liverworts and hornworts), Azolla (water fern), cycads (gymnosperm) and some fungi (Adams and Duggan 2008). Rights for Collection: Duke Dissertations. In Proceedings of the 12th Biannual Conference on Italian SIGCHI Chapter, ACM, New York, pp 28:1–28:5, Meeks JC, Steinberg NA, Enderlin CS, Joseph CM, Peters GA (1987) Azolla-Anabaena relationship: XIII. New Phytol 78:611–616, Ishiyama K, Kojima S, Takahashi H, Hayakawa T, Yamaya T (2003) Cell-type distinct accumulations of mRNA and protein for NADH-dependent glutamate synthase in rice roots in response to the supply of NH4 Symbiosis 6:53–68, Khumairoh U, Groot JC, Lantinga EA (2012) Complex agro-ecosystems for food security in a changing climate. J Exp Bot 59:1023–1034, Finnemann J, Schjoerring JK (2000) Post-translational regulation of cytosolic glutamine synthetase by reversible phosphorylation and 14-3-3 protein interaction. on hrmA gene induction in the cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme. (2008) Proteomic analysis of the cyanobacterium of the Azolla symbiosis: identity, adaptation, and NifH modification. Here we investigate the rapidly growing, N 2 ‐fixing Azolla/Nostoc symbiosis for its potential productivity and chemical composition to determine its potential as protein feed. comedy as a way of making scientists more attentive to their audiences as they are Presently, we are at a stage to delve deeply into understanding the way this symbiosis the genomics and transcriptomics data (chapters 3 and 4) to identify the functions Plant Physiol 119:1483–1496, Ortega JL, Temple SJ, Sengupta-Gopalan C (2001) Constitutive overexpression of cytosolic glutamine synthetase (gs1) gene in transgenic alfalfa demonstrates that gs1 may be regulated at the level of rna stability and protein turnover. The and preparing scientists to interact with the public. Plant Physiol 157:1505–1517, Messinese E, Mun JH, Yeun LH, Jayaraman D, Rougé P, Barre A, Lougnon G, Schornack S, Bono JJ, Cook DR, Ané JM (2007) A novel nuclear protein interacts with the symbiotic DMI3 calcium- and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase of Medicago truncatula. Ambio 41:122–137, Stracke S, Kistner C, Yoshida S, Mulder L, Sato S, Kaneko T, Tabata S, Sandal N, Stougaard J, Szczyglowski K, Parniske M (2002) A plant receptor-like kinase required for both bacterial and fungal symbiosis. them to the basics of good science communication, and outreach opportunities to put Aqueous extract from fronds of the fern Azolla pinnata, a host of symbiotic Nostoc spp., was found to be a potent inducer of hrmA-luxAB in N. punctiforme strain UCD 328. Bot. There Plant Mol Biol 37:535–547, van Hove C, Lejeune A (2002) The Azolla:Anabaena symbiosis. in ways that are accessible and resonate with people. presenting as well as improving their own body awareness. Google Scholar, Adams DG, Bergman B, Nierzwicki-Bauer SA, Duggan PS, Rai AN, Schußler (2013) Cyanobacterial-plant symbioses. These genes included, DOI:, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in 59(5): 1023–1034. I also discuss work to introduce Gene IDs for each down-regulated putative symbiosis gene with their respective annotations and significance values for their mean log2-fold change gene expression. For brevity, the gene sequence names for A. filiculoides are only provided to the first three digits after the “g” (DOCX 17 kb), Post-translational modification prediction results for the glutamine synthetase (GS) amino acid sequences in A. filiculoides. The first case study Die Algenfarne haben stickstofffixierende Cyanobakterien (Anabaena azollae, Nostoc azollae) in Blatthöhlungen.Diese Symbiose wird im Reisanbau genutzt: Azolla wächst mit auf den Reisfeldern und trägt nach seiner Kompostierung zur Versorgung mit Stickstoff bei. find a new enthusiasm for plants—especially the tiny wonder, Azolla—and that you will Azolla-Trichormus azollae: In the symbiosis between the aquatic fern Azolla and the filamentous cyanobacteria Trichormus azollae (formerly known as Nostoc or Anabaena azollae) (Baker et al., 2003), the cyanobiont is inherited from the parent plant, as it is attached to the fern’s spores (Rasmussen and Johansson, 2002). Morphology of the symbiosis The multibranched sporophyte of Azolla has round (Figure 1A) or pinnate (Figure 1B) shape, and the main rhizome has alternate lateral ramifications fully covered with alternate, imbricate, and deeply bilobed leaves that form a dorsal (Figure 1A) … various aspects in detail, such as what compounds are exchanged between the two partners, Morphological analysis of leaf cavity hair populations. apart. Azolla is a small genus of diminutive aquatic ferns with a surprisingly vast potential to benefit the environment and agriculture, as well as to provide insight into the evolution of plant-cyanobacterial symbioses. Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. Plant Mol Biol 67:89–105, Braun-Howland EB, Nierzwicki-Bauer SA (1990) Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis: biochemistry, ultrastructure, and molecular biology. These two partners have been living together for over 90 million years. Nat Plants 4:460–472, Lima L, Seabra A, Melo P, Cullimore J, Carvalho H (2005) Phosphorylation and subsequent interaction with 14-3-3 proteins regulate plastid glutamine synthetase in Medicago truncatula. that interact with the cyanobiont. Ariana N. Eily. that the nitrogen assimilation genes in A. filiculoides lack the post-translational In: Pawlowski K (ed) Prokaryotic symbionts in plants. It owes this distinction to the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterial symbiont, N. azollae, it harbors within specialized cavities within its photosynthetic leaves. symbionts. modifications used in other plants to regulate their activity, leading to questions & Li, FW. Azolla spp. A Fishers exact test was used to calculate the p value - "A first glimpse at genes important to the Azolla–Nostoc symbiosis" Table 1 Transcription factor (TF) binding enrichment. Authors ANE, F.-W.L., and KMP declare that they have no conflicts of interest. I imaged the cavity trichomes within the leaf The N-terminal transit peptide and C-terminal extension unique to GS2 is indicated in bold. Nature 441:601–605, Moreau S, Verdenaud M, Ott T, Letort S, de Billy F, Niebel A, Gouzy J, de Carvalho-Niebel F, Gamas P (2011) Transcription reprogramming during root nodule development in Medicago truncatula. +. New Phytol 181:53–61, Zheng W, Rang L, Bergman B (2009b) Structural characteristics of the cyanobacterium-Azolla symbiosis. This symbiosis has long captured the curiosity of scientists, who have explored Annu Rev Plant Physiol Plant Mol Biol 40:193–210, Peters GA (1991) Azolla and other plant-cyanobacterial symbioses: aspects of form and function. Here we investigate the rapidly growing, N 2-fixing Azolla/Nostoc symbiosis for its potential productivity and chemical composition to determine its potential as protein feed. This includes the regulation of the category (up- or down-regulated), information on the GO category and hierarchy levels, the number of genes and gene IDs per category, and the p value (XLSX 18 kb), Eily, A.N., Pryer, K.M. Azolla is a small floating fern and is the only known pteridophyte that lives in symbiosis with a diazotrophic cyanobacterium. PubMed  A first glimpse at genes important to the Azolla–Nostoc symbiosis. nutrient transporters for compounds like ammonium and molybdate, but did not include I used a clearing protocol coupled with confocal microscopy to image the leaves of The hrmA-luxAB inducing activities of A. pinnata, as well as Azolla filiculoides, were positively correlated with levels of frond deoxyanthocyanins. the lack of innovative ways to engage the public about science. photosynthetic characterization of the association and individual partners. Correspondence to it. to societies around the globe—including its use as a green fertilizer in China for Algenfarne kommen nur in stehenden oder langsam fließenden Gewässern vor. This paper is part of a doctoral dissertation completed at Duke University by ANE under the direction of KMP. Plant Signal Behav 9:e27700, Article  Sci Rep 8:10872, Kryvoruchko IS, Sinharoy S, Torres-Jerez I, Sosso D, Pislariu CI, Guan D, Murray J, Benedito VA, Frommer WB, Udvardi MK (2016) MtSWEET11, a nodule-specific sucrose transporter of Medicago truncatula. Gunnera forms a type of symbiosis with Nostoc called an endosymbiosis. Springer Press, Berlin, pp 360–392, Ashburner M, Ball CA, Blake JA, Botstein D, Butler H, Cherry JM, Davis AP, Dolinski K, Dwight SS, Eppig JT, Harris MA, Hill DP, Issel-Tarver L, Kasarskis A, Lewis S, Matese JC, Richardson JE, Ringwald M, Rubin GM, Sherlock G (2000) Gene ontology: tool for the unification of biology. Nature 441:606–609, Brouwer P, Bräutigam A, Külahoglu C, Tazelaar AOE, Kurz S, Nierop KGJ, van der Werf A, Weber APM, Schluepmann H (2014) Azolla domestication towards a biobased economy? Es gibt Nostoc-Arten, die in Gewässern leben, zum Beispiel am Grund von Süßwasserteichen und Quellen (siehe etwa Teichpflaume). It is possible that because thisisanextracellularsymbiosis,Azolla spp.usemechanisms more similar to ectomycorrhizal symbioses (Werner 1992), but the genes these symbioses use to communicate are still being discovered (Flores-Monterroso et al.2013;Martin details governing life. PDF | Azolla is a genus of aquatic ferns that engages in a unique symbiosis with a cyanobiont that is resistant to cultivation. PubMed CrossRef Google Scholar In the other associations Nostoc Google Scholar, Sandelin A, Alkema W, Engstrom P, Wasserman WW, Lenhard B (2004) JASPAR: an open-access database for eukaryotic transcription factor binding profiles. of which allows their life cycles to be linked together. Biodiversity 12:119–128, Sood A, Uniyal PL, Prasanna R, Ahluwalia AS (2012) Phytoremediation potential of aquatic macrophyte, Azolla. from a science and art exhibit that I launched with fellow graduate students, that The second case study focuses on training Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol 52:483–490, Ekman M, Tollback P, Bergman B (2008) Proteomic analysis of the cyanobacterium of the Azolla symbiosis: identity, adaptation, and NifH modification. The conserved domains are indicated in bold and highlighted with gray boxes. have with their obligate, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterial symbiont, Nostoc azollae, that resides in their leaves. Jedes Blatt ist in zwei Lappen geteilt, von denen der obere schwimmt und assimiliert, der … see the value I do in strengthening the connection between science and the communities Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 109–146, Raja W (2014) Azolla: Amazing Aquatic Fern. Although previous work has specified the importance of the exchange of ammonium and sucrose metabolites between these two partners, we have yet to determine the underlying molecular mechanisms that make this symbiosis so successful. The newly sequenced and annotated reference genome of Azolla … Gene ontology categories resulting from modified goatools output. are earmarked as a possible candidate to mitigate greenhouse gases, in particular, carbon dioxide. The individual group of Nostoc-green plant symbioses other than Azolla are summarized in regard to the current understanding of their establishment, perpetuation, and host-symbiont interaction. Symbiosis Mol Plant-Microbe Interact 15:875–882, Edgar RC (2004) MUSCLE: multiple sequence alignment with high accuracy and high throughput. Azolla spp. Google Scholar, Sung T-Y, Chung T-Y, Hsu C-P, Hsieh M-H (2011) The ACR11 encodes a novel type of chloroplastic ACT-domain-repeat protein that is coordinately expressed with GLN2 in Arabidopsis. This dissertation concludes with a departure from the biology of the Azolla-Nostoc We observed the absence of differentially expressed glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate synthase (GOGAT) genes, leading to questions about how A. filiculoides regulates the machinery it uses for nitrogen assimilation. of ammonium assimilation genes and their potential post-translational modifications; The additional tyrosine residues that are present in MtGS1, and are not in MtGS2 are also highlighted in blue and bold font. Symbiosis 78, 149–162 (2019). Blasia), a pteridophyte genus (Azolla; while the symbiont is referred to as Anabaena azollae, it may be a Nostoc spp. the small aquatic fern, Azolla, and its cyanobacterial symbiont, Nostoc azollae; and It was first described as Nostoc (Strasburger, 1873) and later renamed as Anabaena azollae (Strasburger, 1984). Results: In a small production system, cultures of Azolla pinnata and Azolla filiculoides were continuously harvested for over 100 days, yielding an average productivity of 90.0-97.2 kg dry weight (DW) ha -1 d -1 . Google Scholar, Perkins SK, Peters GA (1993) The Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis: endophyte continuity in the Azolla life-cycle is facilitated by epidermal trichomes. RNA-sequencing analysis revealed 160 putative symbiosis genes. Furthermore, the Azolla genome lacks genes that are common to arbus-cular mycorrhizal and root nodule symbioses, and we identify several putative transporter genes specific to Azolla–cyanobacte- In: Rosenberg E, DeLong EF, Lory F, Stackebrandt E, Thompson F (eds) The prokaryotes: prokaryotic biology and symbiotic associations, 4th edn. Taxonomically, the Azolla cyanobiont is placed in Phylum-Cyanophyta, Order-Nostocales, and Family-Nostocaceae. are many plant microbial symbioses, however, what makes the Azolla-Nostoc symbiosis Learn more about Institutional subscriptions, Abdel-Lateif K, Vaissayre V, Gherbi H, Verries C, Meudec E, Perrin-Walker F, Cheynier V, Svistoonoff S, Franche C, Bogusz D, Hocher V (2013) Silencing of the chalcone synthase gene in Casuarina glauca highlights the important role of flavonoids during nodulation. regulated and what their functional categories are using gene ontology analysis. Bioinformatics 30:3276–3278, Li F-W, Brouwer P, Carretero-Paulet L, Cheng S, de Vries J, Delaux PM, Eily A, Koppers N, Kuo LY, Li Z, Simenc M, Small I, Wafula E, Angarita S, Barker MS, Bräutigam A, dePamphilis C, Gould S, Hosmani PS, Huang YM, Huettel B, Kato Y, Liu X, Maere S, McDowell R, Mueller LA, Nierop KGJ, Rensing SA, Robison T, Rothfels CJ, Sigel EM, Song Y, Timilsena PR, van de Peer Y, Wang H, Wilhelmsson PKI, Wolf PG, Xu X, der JP, Schluepmann H, Wong GKS, Pryer KM (2018) Fern genomes elucidate land plant evolution and cyanobacterial symbioses. PubMed Central  Synergistic Effect of Deoxyanthocyanins from Symbiotic Fern Azolla spp. JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Springer Press, Dordrecht, pp 225–241, Cerri MR et al (2016) The symbiosis-related ERN transcription factors act in concert to coordinate rhizobial host root infection. In: Rai AN (ed) Handbook of symbiotic cyanobacteria, 1st edn. My hope is that within these pages you will In trockenem Zustand sind die Kolonien papierdünn. CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp 62–115, Brinkhuis H et al (2006) Episodic fresh surface waters in the Eocene Arctic Ocean. Nature 417:959–962, Sugiyama A, Saida Y, Yoshimizu M, Takanashi K, Sosso D, Frommer WB, Yazaki K (2017) Molecular characterization of LjSWEET3, a sugar transporter in nodules of Lotus japonicus. In chapter 4, I detail three case studies addressing problems that keep science and New Phytol 202:1069–1082, Calvert HE, Peters GA (1981) The Azolla-Anabaena azollae relationship IX. Some features of this site may not work without The Anabaena DNA extraction azollae strains used were freshly isolated from these accessions. Azolla is a small genus of diminutive aquatic ferns with a surprisingly vast potential to benefit the environment and agriculture, as well as to provide insight into the evolution of plant-cyanobacterial symbioses. PubMed Google Scholar. Confocal fluorescent microscopy images of wild-type A. filiculoides (a) and cyanobiont-free A. filiculoides (b) to show absence of cyanobiont at 200x magnification (PNG 1258 kb), Up-regulated putative symbiosis genes. This work provides the groundwork for establishing Plant J 24:171–181, Flores-Monterroso A, Canales J, de la Torre F, Ávila C, Cánovas FM (2013) Identification of genes differentially expressed in ectomycorrhizal roots during the Pinus pinaster–Laccaria bicolor interaction. Chapman & Hall, London, pp 339–380, Whaley J (2007) The Azolla story: climate change and Arctic hydrocarbons. have with their obligate, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterial symbiont, Nostoc azollae, that resides in their leaves. 78, pages149–162 ( 2019 ) Cite this article a nitrogen-fixing cyanobiont –! Pockets and belong to the azolla–nostoc symbiosis uses unique signaling pathways to interact with its symbiont. Inspiring capacity to change the world around us as it informs of the foregoing areas but... 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