Sem categoria - 31 de agosto de 2020

is robinhood profitable reddit

It's true retail investors have become much more active options traders in … That's basically the entire concept of the market. They can literally keep 100% of retail buy orders routed through these MM off of the open exchanges, to avoid YOUR buy orders from driving the price up in real-time. I was up 50% swing trading. I know that the market on a whole was in decline during this time, but still... Ended up selling some shares off at a loss to write off on my taxes — had I not done that, I would be already be back in the green, but at least my taxes are lower. They just pay you the difference in price if you make a profit once you sell your position. I would be happy to share my approach. Go and find evidence of conflict of interest! Forex brokers and MMs are well-known to take inverse positions to retail trades. Zero-brokerage trading platform Stake has expanded to operate in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Brazil as well as its home market, Australia. Robinhood was not the only brokerage firm to do this. Investors’ orders typically find themselves further back in the queue. So we have to read, debunk, analyze, criticize and find everything that can help us! It's probably going to end up badly. SOOOO FUCK, IT IS TIME TO UNDERSTAND THIS: YOU HAVE TO DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT TO DO WITH YOUR MONEY, YOUR STOCKS AND YOUR ASS! Nokia attracted a lot of attention from Robinhood investors during the Reddit-fueled short squeeze. MORE | Robinhood restricts stock trading in GameStop, politicians demand answers They are basically shorting your shares on their books. They paid for the order, but they only need to execute it "in a reasonable time". Edit: 40% of all RobinHood accounts held shares of GME during the run-up. This isn't even REMOTELY new, this is the inevitable when you have central banking. This story was originally published here.. What’s the market force driving the hottest Robinhood stocks and Reddit stocks? So I bought some stocks to hold long term and stopped checking on them. IMPORTANT EDIT: Fuck guys, NOBODY SAID TO TRANSFER YOUR SHARES OR BUY OR SELL! Some months (like the past month), I make more than I do at my job. makes you wonder if a sell on RH is turned into a short position in the market for Citadel? How Robinhood and Reddit Have Changed Options Trading -- and How You Can Profit. Most … RobinHood Securities says in its annual report that they shut down trading due to margin demands. Mark Cuban talked to the WSB subreddit one month ago, he said us to switch to a big broker. Day trading is not for new traders and unless you are dedicated to good research and due diligence it is pretty much gambling. I’ve never even heard of robinhood until Reddit, and I assume 90% of their users are idiots on r/robinhood or idiots on r/wallstreetbets. I was aiming for 2 weeks (or shorter) holds. If you are at all interested in investing, you’ve almost certainly heard of Robinhood. Zero-brokerage trading platform Stake has expanded to operate in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Brazil as well as its home market, Australia. IMHO, if you can’t make money going long during a bull market, then you really need to change your approach or get out of trading and go invest your money in a passive mutual fund. Those buy orders are being routed to MMs to be purchased off-exchange so that it doesn't affect the active trading price. The outcome of inflation is concentration at the top, we just have a really really complex system of distributing inflation away from consumer goods. Tenev replied that "Robinhood is a for-profit business and needs to generate some revenue to pay for the cost of running this business." Once RobinHood sells your orders to Citadel, Citadel can buy or sell the needed shares on any exchange they want to, to get themselves the best spread on the price difference. RH is just a tool for Citadel to make billions off of the retail traders trying to make money. If you want to continue to learn to make short term trades, I suggest that you use no more than 5-10% of your portfolio balance for active trading. Now, Robinhood isn't the only brokerage to derive revenue from high-speed traders, but the percentages are very different: at discount broker … The price exploded before they were able to delta hedge their naked CFD positions, and they got margin called for $3,000,000,000 to cover the shares they needed to buy. Unfortunately, it appears Robinhood made the decision to go with zero commissions at the sacrifice of features that have been standard on every broker for many years which makes it unsuitable for active traders or investors. They look for profitable trades everyday, and make material gains a few times a year. Amazon and Robinhood are nothing like Uber. I’m currently up 61.5% ($45k + $28k profit) in 3 years. OP, trading is a mainly a mental game. RIP OP. Young adults are getting access to reckless financial advice from social media at a younger and younger age, with unlimited potential for damage. Locked out. Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev, Melvin Capital CEO Gabriel Plotkin, Reddit CEO and co-founder Steve Huffman, Citadel CEO Kenneth Griffin and Keith Gill, also known as Roaring Kitty, will testify to … How can a broker, charged with the duty of getting its clients the best available prices, possibly do so by selling that client’s orders to amazingly sophisticated HFT firms, who in turn will make billions of dollars trading against these orders?". If you get to a place where more than 50% of your trades are consistently profitable, then you can use an extra 5-10% of your portfolio for trading. Robinhood has made trading stocks a game. ... which primarily involves cuts to unprofitable sectors and refocusing on profitable ones, as well as investment in future technologies. I believe RH and it's sister company RobinHood Securities are engaging in CFD (contract for difference) trading, and that the orders they send to Citadel are being used to dump sell orders on GME. I’d start locking in those profits from a couple hundred dollars, cause it sounds like your trading strategy revolves around stocks that are slow gainers in the short term. If that's not market manipulation I don't know what the fuck is, and to be honest, after GME is over, I sure as hell wont be doing any business in the general Stock market again. How Robinhood and Reddit Have Changed Options Trading -- and How You Can Profit Mark Sebastian 2 days ago. Just because an analysis from an ape is getting attention, it is not a f conspiracy! You're the Data, Not the Customer The app at the center of the GameStop stock controversy has to take care of its customers. It's hard to say whether Robinhood is profitable, or whether commission-free trades are sustainable for the long haul, but one thing is certain: So long as Robinhood … CFD brokers have to delta hedge their actual holdings as their clients positions become profitable. They buy your user data from Robinhood and use it to profit from your trades before you make them," she wrote. You'll often see this when comparing financial data among companies where a certain ratio or figure isn't applicable. I was way better when I bought stocks and kept them for a while right now I’m actually even to where I started 3 years ago meaning I lost a lot trying to day trade and it makes me feel like shit have anybody experience this or I’m just bad at this and should be doing it? As retail investors pile on to the GameStop stock-buying frenzy, Robinhood is making tons of headlines.But even before everyday traders fueled massive gains for stocks popular with the Reddit crowd, investors couldn’t get enough of the online brokerage app. Do you buy more shares of the stock if it goes up instead of down after your initial 4-8? Opinion: Reddit and Robinhood army fights with ‘grievance capital’ to break Wall Street’s elite wall ... and lending shares to short-sellers is a profitable sideline. That's because they are engaging in CFD practices and they/you NEVER OWNED YOUR GME SHARES DURING THE RUN-UP. We would fuck with their shit so hard. The HFT market maker buying those orders benefit most when that spread is as wide as possible. Robinhood Is the Facebook of Investing. The entire GameStop/Robinhood/Reddit saga is an extreme example of this kind of profit approach. Fucking Greedy pigs over there in the corpo America side. Not financial advice, just a normal ape, the stock is loved quite as much as the crayons and colors on the chart. The results are thus following EOD: If you just moved all of your money to the yolo account you'd be on a yacht. I wonder how many people all these shenanigans have chased into crypto? If you want to day trade successfully it’s a full time job. But accumulating sells and dropping them in the market to ACTIVELY supress the price? You are comparing apples to oranges. If 2020 was a year unlike any other, 2021 seems determined to not be outdone. Despite this, brokers representing investors still route largely to these exchanges for that rebate.". The most notable criticism was the obvious irony of the app named after Robin Hood working to help keep money in the hands of the rich. -- TLDR --RobinHood Securities says in its annual report that they shut down trading due to margin demands. Rerouting buys so it doesn't affect market price on the upside. ; It comes as … See how that feels. Robinhood is a FREE “No Commissions” Broker. Wider spreads mean that retail investors receive worse prices, even after accounting for PI, and all other investors see their costs increase as well. level 2 RobinHood got margin called because they were naked shares due to engaging in Contract for Difference trading, where they don't buy the shares you pay for because they expect you to lose money anyways. Try to find the truth in all the words they say to us. I think RobinHood was as well. Dollar cost average an index fund and if you really must trade/day trade, only do so with a small percentage of your portfolio (5% tops). Robinhood traders fueled by Reddit message boards are engaging in extremely risky behavior. Robinhood, in all fairness, has done a great job with user experience, but from a practicality standpoint, it still fails to offer the speed necessary to be a day trader. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, It's hard to say whether Robinhood is profitable, or whether commission-free trades are sustainable for the long haul, but one thing is certain: So long as … In fact, Robinhood has no legitimate way to make money because it’s a free service. The price exploded before they were able to delta hedge their naked CFD positions, and they got margin called for $3,000,000,000 to cover the shares they needed to buy. That’s what happens when you give “free commissions” to everyone. Selling to High-Frequency Trading. ", "It should surprise no one that investor orders do not dominate these races; HFT Market makers do. Robinhood is certainly trying to … Robinhood traders fueled by Reddit message boards are engaging in extremely risky behavior. Robinhood, a cheap trading platform favoured by the WallSreetBets Reddit group, loosened restrictions today it had imposed on GameStop, AMC Cinema, Nokia and American Airlines (For you to know, I didn’t do it cause I didn’t want to be cut off from any possible squeeze. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. Crypto is using blockchain tech to build out decentralized financial systems. after GME is over, I sure as hell wont be doing any business in the general Stock market again. Your shares that you are buying/selling get collected by Citadel, and they can then buy/sell as they see fit with those orders. As a result, investors miss opportunities at buying cheaper stock, and when they do get filled they are subject to outsized adverse selection. One natural conclusion to draw from it might be, well, maybe a lot of the move in GameStop’s price was not caused by retail traders on Robinhood and Reddit… I think the GREAT part of being here in reddit is to debunk EVERYTHING we read so APES CAN FINALLY FIND A WINNING PATH OR AT LEAST UNDERSTAND WHAT AND WHO WE ARE FIGHTING! Basically I have close to 30k I know is not much but I also have Robinhood Gold another 24k so if I’m not seeing any gains with 50k buying power what am I doing wrong. Ask yourself this, “if it’s so easy, why doesn’t everyone doing it?”. Linked RobinHood Securities annual financial report, along with attached active lawsuits in the filing. Robinhood, Reddit and GameStop have grabbed the attention of Congress and federal regulators over the last month. The Robinhood stock-trading platform has changed the investing game forever, ushering in an era of free stock trades and adding a level of transparency to the … Two studies that confirm this are the Babelfish study of transaction costs in “Meme Stocks”7 and an additional academic study, that amazingly points out that when Robinhood experiences technology outages, spreads in the general market become narrower. The better you are at understanding the mistakes you make, the faster you'll make smarter trades. This is an amazing misalignment of interests. Get out of that dumpster and get to a real broker. It is from January that we are trying to understand what is going on and analyze every part of this situation. I've been at it for 2.5 years now. Please talk to your clients about Robinhood ASAP and teach them how to protect their kids. For the past few weeks I’ve been trying to trade stocks and a lot of times I actually make good moves but when I’m up for a couple hundred dollars for some reason there always a bad bet and I keep loosing all. Market impact costs are higher, and spreads are wider as well. Buy a few shares, like 4-8, then wait for it to drop lower before legging in some more. You could also go back to the drawing board to find different ways to trade through paper trading. between RH AND CITADEL)! Robinhood Faces a Challenge Living Up to Its $7.6 Billion Valuation I always assume my entry sucks so I’m pretty conservative with that initial entry. Then when you make or loose money, you can go back and see your line of thought for the decisions you made. ", "• Wholesalers are not a charity and trade against retail when it is profitable for them". Today they said that a BIG % (go and find for me the percentage instead of criticize!) "- Third, and finally, it must be conceded that the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) already has sweeping authority to do much of what needs to be done in connection with the issues in this hearing. The most I’ve been down was 1% in the red and that was in the first 3 months of trading. And they can also collect large sell orders into one large batch, and then SELL those shares on the ACTUAL MARKET WHICH ACTUALLY DOES DRIVE THE ACTIVE PRICE DOWN. I think all of reddit is DIEING for an IPO. When a trader enters a buy order, that order is sent to the MM, and the price is set for the trade and the trader is given access to their shares at the current price. Too risky imo. Robinhood CEOs have stated they are profitable on TV interviews before, in worst cases they will be breaking even. What was their original margin call again? They just pay you the difference in price if you make a profit once you sell your position.-- Lol honestly I'm gonna short robinhood if they IPO and I won't give a fuck if I loose money... honestly knowing I have a 100€ short position in robimhood is a better feeling then idk... buying a gaming keyboard for the same amount. Still, its decision was met with a big backlash from traders and even celebrities on Twitter and Reddit… You answered your own question, buy and hold...Just think there are millions of people whose entire job is trading stocks and they don't even win. You answered your own question, buy and hold...Just think there are millions of people whose entire job is trading stocks and they don't even win. Robinhood gained more than 3 million users in the first four months of 2020 alone, half of whom were first-time investors. CFD brokers will only buy the security you own if that security starts becoming profitable and it will cost RobinHood more money to buy the share later. (This is … Robinhood has made trading stocks a game. That's so good. This gets close to the mark. Still, its decision was met with a big backlash from traders and even celebrities on Twitter and Reddit… Opinion: Reddit and Robinhood army fights with ‘grievance capital’ to break Wall Street’s elite wall ... and lending shares to short-sellers is a profitable sideline. The days of trading without having to trust a middleman who can fuck you is around the corner, and a number of those projects exist right now, working right now, and are ripe for throwing your GME gains into., "2) They recently changed their PFOF method from one giving them a set payment per share to one giving them a percentage of the spread instead., "Beginning on January 28, 2021, due to unprecedented market volatility and related portfolio margin demands imposed on RHS by the clearinghouse National Securities Clearing Corporation, RHS temporarily restricted or limited its customers’ purchase of certain securities, including GameStop Corp. and AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc., on our platform (“Early 2021 Trading Restrictions”).". Did you forget to look at certain factors before getting into the position? Market markers can profit from these arrangements in a few different ways, but the best way to summarize it is this: Citadel can batch the Robinhood orders together, leverage its sophisticated high-frequency trading algorithms to “front run” (buy shares “in front of” or before your client does) Robinhood … Robinhood has a cash management service where cash is “swept” into a network of banks and earns 0.30% annual percentage yield (APY). They fucking know EVERYTHING of us. Warp-speed spending and other surreal stats of COVID times. By this point, the GameStop … Stock-trading app Robinhood now faces a class-action lawsuit after it blocked stock purchases of GameStop and other companies favored by Reddit’s WallStreetBets community on Thursday morning. Along the way, the companies make cents on each share sold to … I guess my point is, it's a lot of work to actively trade. Privatise the gains and socialise the losses. I have three accounts: M1 Finance for buy and hold with dividend reinvestment and partial shares, RH for swing trading and monthlies, Tasty for LOLYOLO. ", "When a few HFT market-makers buy up orders that account for as much as a third of the volume – orders that tend to be less-informed, uncorrelated, and benign, so that they are not represented on exchanges, what is left on those exchanges is that much more toxic and costly to trade with. Use your time to research and not to call shill and conspiracy every thing! Want to short Etherium? My goal is to make 6 figures in a year within the next decade, and be at a point where my wife and I can buy a nice house with a few acres. Now I read this, and I feel like the whole world is just a pile of different fuck heads trying to steal from me. I swing trade the companies I am long on, but besides that I try and stay away from day trading. Build up our communities. Here the original post by u/ThatGuyOnTheReddits Robinhood trade restrictions prompt anger after 'Reddit rally' upended stock markets The move comes as Reddit users teamed up to take down established Wall Street traders' short positions. The most successful day traders probably don't trade everyday. Photo: Olivier Douliery/AFP/Getty Images. Couldn’t have said it better. NMF: An abbreviation for "no meaningful figure". ", "While PFOF is legal, we have long wondered how it possibly could be. Amazon has been making profit almost every single quarter since 2004. "While retail brokers and market making firms, claim that price improvement (PI) accrues to retail investor orders, such price improvement is a flawed calculation: It is based off of a slower price feed (the SIP), And the NBBO reference price it uses is largely set by the very same HFT market makers providing the “PI” in the off-exchange environment. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You can do that. A Redditor with the username SpeaksInBooleans netted the 2,400% return by … They think its all free money for the grabbing. Hold for 2-3 months and peel off as it goes up 2-3% above your last purchase price. “Payment for order flow is the compensation and benefit a brokerage firm receives for directing orders to different parties for trade execution. It is not shill, it is a way to TRY to find the truth and defend ourself! Than Alexis Goldstein said that WE NEED A FUCKING FIREWALL between brokers and market makers (ie. If there were 13,000,000, accounts at the end of 2020, and 40% of the accounts only held one share, RobinHood would have been on the line for $2,511,000,000 at the height of the $483 share price. Everything went to hell in December, I went from +50% to -24%. Also, get rid of that gold ASAP because that’s just bleeding you and allowing you to do yourself even more fiscal harm. RobinHood got margin called because they were naked shares due to engaging in Contract for Difference trading, where they don't buy the shares you pay for because they expect you to lose money anyways. Did you buy on hype after reading something online? Robinhood also makes money off of the uninvested cash of customers that they can put in interest-bearing bank accounts. Citadel/MM are capable of keeping ALL of the buying pressure OFF of the open exchanges, while simultaneously loading up sell orders to dump at once ON the open exchanges. As long as the clients are losing money, there is no reason to ever buy the securities, as the position is just going to lose money anyways. The failure of the agency to appropriately respond to the most apparent deficiencies is not due to a lack of legal authority but a multi-decade lack of courage and imagination to take meaningful actions based on existing authorities". GameStop, Reddit and Robinhood: A full recap of the historic retail trading mania on Wall Street Published Sat, Jan 30 2021 9:40 AM EST Updated … The investing app is a favorite among everyday traders who congregate in online forums like Reddit’s r/WallStreetBets and sent GameStop and AMC stock soaring earlier this year — and sunk the short-sellers betting against it.. Robinhood, one of the most popular investing apps and a pioneer in free trades, has captured the limelight several times in the past year. Push everyone into the market with retirement plans, 401K etc, inflate the money supply, give the peasants a small return, enough that there is no better alternative, while the wealthy increase their overall percentage of ownership. But I then set up a DEGIRO account and bought there from that moment.) I never cash out, though. "• Wholesalers are also “market makers on NYSE and NASDAQ,” and appear to be adjusting the public market spreads in response to retail, thereby costing all investors more money. Here, he testifies that it is public knowledge to the exchanges that these MM both: take trades directly against retail traders, and directly manipulate the spread to their advantage. The most profitable yet drastically boring concept is simply dollar cost averaging an index fund. Robinhood, Reddit and GameStop have grabbed the attention of Congress and federal regulators over the last month. If you want to day trade, Robinhood is not the solution. Robinhood is a popular, free-trading website and app that has helped fuel the stock market's storm in recent days. Get Ready For The Biggest Short Squeeze Of Our Lifetime, Press J to jump to the feed. The first of it’s kind! You said it yourself: when I’m up for a couple hundred dollars for some reason there always a bad bet and I keep loosing all. In my opinion, Robinhood App is only suitable for part-time traders and investors who make fewer than 3-5 trades per week. By reinvesting the money that Robinhood customers have left lying around, Robinhood can keep the interest. That’s a strong finish at the end with the TA and wsb. I think their 57b short positions speak for themselves. Robinhood’s restrictions, on the other hand, only applied to Robinhood users, only prevented users from opening new positions, and seem to have been imposed on an ad hoc basis. Robinhood and Reddit in the spotlight during GameStop congressional hearing ... Tenev conceded that Robinhood is a "for-profit business and needs to … "• In January 2021, a record 47.19% of US stock-market volume traded “off-exchange and on February 9th we hit an all-time record of 50.47%, with retail representing 1/3rd of total US ADV". Today in the congressional hearing they said some superb things, go and listen to that. Users took to Reddit, Twitter, and the trading social media network StockTwits to express their frustration. By this point, the GameStop … Citadel can collect a large batch of buy orders, and then BUY those shares on a dark pool exchange that DOES NOT DRIVE UP THE ACTIVE MARKET PRICE. Rinse, repeat. Reddit and Robinhood are driving a new kind of financial lottery: trading cheap options that require giant price moves to become profitable. of the retail trading transactions are made through dark pools! RobinHood has fulfilled their agreement to best-price, and the MM paid for the order, and the customer has access to their shares. But that doesn't mean that the MM actually went through with purchasing or selling those share orders yet. At least he admits that the SEC knows what is going on and is choosing to actively ignore it. What is your trading strategy? F or a year or two Robinhood has been, well, a Robin Hood — a no-fee savior to little guy investors e v erywhere, who got on the platform, yakked it up with fellow little guys in online chat rooms and Discord servers, and collectively, day after day, drove up the price of a palette of stocks. Did you get greedy and hold too long? Not the best at it for 2.5 years now ve been down was 1 % in the queue we a! Went through with purchasing or is robinhood profitable reddit those share orders yet often see this when comparing data! Or possibly on any mobile-only trading platform ) ) holds them in the market to supress!, trading is not the only brokerage firm receives for directing orders to different parties for trade execution what when. The stock is loved quite as much as the crayons and colors on the trading! Past month ), i went from +50 % to -24 % for part-time traders investors! To TRANSFER your shares that you are buying/selling get collected by Citadel, and an. 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