The National Historic Preservation Act directs each Federal agency to have a historic preservation program— The Division has the mandate of recording all Hoosier cemeteries and burial grounds, not just "historic" cemeteries. The ultimate goal of Section 106 is to seek agreement among these participants regarding preservation matters arising during the review process. A condition of Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grants is the requirement to comply with all applicable environmental and historic preservation laws and regulations. Every administration since the early 1960s has contributed to this mandate. Consequently, all HMA grants must undergo an environmental planning and historic preservation (EHP) review. Further, it requires each federal agency to consider public views and concerns about historic preservation issues when making final project decisions. An agency historic preservation program is the vehicle for ensuring that the agency's mission-driven activities are carried out in a manner consistent with the purposes of National Historic Preservation Act. The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Historic Vessel Preservation Projects, with Guidelines for Applying the Standards (pdf, 12 MB) Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation The integrity of our natural and historic landscape is important to us all, and steps taken to strengthen or rebuild communities can have long-term environmental and cultural impacts. Historic Preservation Supporting the continued use of our historical assets, and the integration of our history into our future planning and growth, job creation and communities’ culture. To manage the vast amount of information being collected, the DHPA has created a searchable database. Learn more about Section 106. (b) An agency historic preservation program is embodied in agency-wide policies, procedures, and activities. The California Office of Historic Preservation (OHP) administers federally and state mandated historic preservation programs to further the identification, evaluation, registration, and protection of California's irreplaceable resources. The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Federal Agency Historic Preservation Programs Pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act. Federal – The National Park Service is the agency designated to create standards, publish guidance, and administer a majority of national preservation programs established by federal law. The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation is an agency tasked with advising the President and the Congress on national policy and encouraging all federal agencies to preserve historic places as … Historic Vessel Preservation. The Illinois Historic Preservation Agency protects and promotes the pieces of history that, together, tell the story of Illinois. The goals of the inter-agency working group are to help the ACHP develop recommendations for overcoming obstacles to increased leasing of federal historic buildings to the private sector, and to provide guidance on agency reuse and consolidation in federal historic buildings. National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP) Goals. Historic Preservation. The National Historic Preservation Act and other Federal laws, executive orders, and regulations establish our historic preservation responsibilities.
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