Here we present the first global conservation assessment of freshwater caridean shrimps, based on their distribution, ecology, past and present threats and conservation actions. Shrimps primarily inhabit flowing water; however, a significant subterranean component is present, which is more threatened than the surface fauna. Invasive species (impacting 29.3%), natural system modifications mostly due to dams and water abstraction (26.7%), and mining (22.7%) are also significant threats. Yes Peter Ng and his staff kindly hosted the Asian workshop in Singapore. Data were submitted for validation to the 2014 Red List update [14]; taxa described since March 2013 are not included in the current assessment. Laboratory of Bioecology and Crustacean Systematics, Department of Biology, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, Affiliation Freshwater shrimps on the whole do not differ in their habitat requirements from a broad range of other freshwater taxa. Broadly speaking, this is similar to the number of DD freshwater crabs in China, which stands at 77.7% [27]. Fernando L. Mantelatto, Yes This is particularly acute in China, the most species-rich country for freshwater shrimps, with 159 species (37.5% threatened), 95 of which are DD (59.7% of all Chinese species). However, shrimps with 27.8% threatened species are comparable with crabs (32.0%), and crayfishes (31.5%) [27, 28], which can be explained by similar threats and habitats. All species assessments and maps are available online on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (, where spatial data can also be downloaded. I was thinkin' about you, baby, why you hear me weep and moan Neil Cumberlidge and Will Darwall are acknowledged for securing the funding to carry out the assessments and workshops. Wrote the paper: SDG KGS NAA DJA FA AA YC SFC WK FLM TJP JYS JLV DW. Fernando Alvarez, Yes I got dead shrimps here, someone is fishin' in my pond Yes, Chong Chen, Hsi-Te Shih and Swee Hee Tan provided invaluable assistance with translations and source compilation of Chinese references. 1B), with 243 species [10], of which 239 were included in the present assessment. Caridean shrimps are thus potentially an excellent, but overlooked, flagship group in freshwater conservation, as they (1) are a significant (sometimes dominant) component of freshwater ecosystems, especially in the tropics; (2) display a range of life-histories with many species migrating towards the sea to release larvae; (3) occur in a wide range of habitats; (4) have clear cultural links, due to artisanal fishing practices; and (5) are taxonomically comprehensively studied, with global species and distribution lists already available [10, 13]. Data Availability: All species assessments and maps are available online on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (, where spatial data can also be downloaded. No, Is the Subject Area "Biodiversity" applicable to this article? The Palaemonidae are primarily a marine family, which reaches its peak biodiversity on tropical coral reefs, but also contains the species-rich, freshwater genus, Macrobrachium (Fig. Nils A. Adeler, However, the world has lost approximately 71% of its wetlands since 1900 [5], due to wide scale threats and undervaluation by decision makers, and freshwater species have declined by an average of 76% since 1970 [6], making freshwater habitats one of the most imperilled across the globe [2, 7]. Dead Shrimp Blues Lyrics I woke up this mornin' and all my shrimps was dead and gone I woke up this mornin', ooh, and all my shrimp was dead and gone I … The Indo-Malayan realm harbours just over half of all known freshwater shrimp species (Table 1), with areas of high species richness in the Philippines, southern China and Taiwan (Fig. Few freshwater invertebrate groups have been globally assessed. The family comprises of in excess of 40 genera, but is numerically dominated by the genus Caridina (Fig. I couldn't do nothin', until I got myself unwound Over three-quarter of species diversity in the genus occurs in the Indo-Malayan realm, with additional species present in the Australasian, Afrotropical and Oceanian realms and a minor component in the eastern part of the Palearctic realm. Dead Shrimp Blues by Robert Johnson song meaning, lyric interpretation, video and chart position Tuning: E A D G B E. Author guitardudedon [a] 572. The distribution of each species was mapped to individual sub-basins, as delineated by the HydroBASINS global catchment layer [16] using ArcGIS (ESRI, Redlands, CA). Dead Shrimp Blues. Xie and Chen [33] already drew attention to large scale deterioration of freshwater habitats in China and the resulting severe declines in fish diversity, a situation which is unlikely to have improved with China’s economic growth in the last decade. 3). Savrina F. Carrizo, A similar situation exists for the whole of the Afrotropical region, where 41.0% are considered to be DD. The data and numbers presented herein concern only taxa assessed at species level. Dead Shrimp Blues. The categories of extinction risk are Extinct (EX); Extinct in the Wild (EW); Critically Endangered (CR); Endangered (EN); Vulnerable (VU); Near Threatened (NT); Least Concern (LC); and Data Deficient (DD). by lowering ground water level due to prolonged droughts [32]. I woke up this mornin' and all my shrimps was dead and gone Nowhere is this dearth of information in more need of addressing than in conservation science, with the IUCN’s Red List of Threatened Species containing very few global comprehensive invertebrate assessments, although the majority of vertebrate taxa have been completed [9]. 226874). No, Is the Subject Area "Invertebrates" applicable to this article? I woke up this mornin And all my shrimp was dead and gone I woke up this mornin ooh And all my shrimp was dead and gone I was thinin about you baby, Why you hear me weep and moan. A further ten point-endemic species are currently considered as CR, but in all likelihood are also extinct as recent surveys in their known localities have failed to find them (Table 3). This richness is underpinned by species radiations, with each cave system harbouring closely related, but unique, species and/or subspecies [21, 22]. 1) are a highly species-rich group of decapod crustaceans (Decapoda: Caridea), second only to crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura). Nevertheless, despite decades of studies, a global overview of freshwater biodiversity remains difficult to obtain for many groups [8]. Numerous colleagues provided additional information on species, especially Christopher Rogers and Shane Ahyong. " Dead Shrimp Blues " is a song written by Robert Johnson. Is the Subject Area "Fresh water" applicable to this article? Now you taken my shrimps, baby, you know you turned me down On a country basis (S1 Appendix), 50% or more of the fauna are threatened in Somalia, Israel, Uganda, Montenegro, Morocco and Syria, admittedly all of which are very species-poor. Lower numbers of threatened species are scattered across the globe, including Sri Lanka, Australia, Taiwan, the western Balkan Peninsula, central Africa and Mexico. Citation: De Grave S, Smith KG, Adeler NA, Allen DJ, Alvarez F, Anker A, et al. Dave J. Allen, National Parks Board, Singapore, Affiliation Chris Lukhaup and Danté Fenolio kindly allowed the use of their photographs, Louisa Wood assisted with source compilations. Although subterranean shrimp occur worldwide, significantly higher concentrations are found in the karst rich areas in China, the western Balkan Peninsula, the Philippines and Cuba. broad scope, and wide readership – a perfect fit for your research every time. Download Robert Johnson Dead Shrimp Blues sheet music and printable PDF music notes. Reproduce canciones completas de Dead Shrimp Blues por en tu teléfono, ordenador y sistema de audio doméstico con Robert Johnson. Two species are currently considered to be extinct., Academic Editor: Gaofeng Qiu, Shanghai Ocean University, CHINA, Received: December 23, 2014; Accepted: February 5, 2015; Published: March 25, 2015, Copyright: © 2015 De Grave et al. Nearly two-thirds of freshwater shrimp species are found in flowing water (Table 2), but with a significant component also occurring in both subterranean and permanent lake environments. Although as a whole, Atyidae are often considered to be restricted to freshwater, several brackish and anchialine genera are known [13], whilst a marine-based larval dispersal phase, plays a significant role in their distribution [19]. Escúchalo en streaming y sin anuncios o compra CDs y MP3s ahora en It is from the recording sessions of November 26 and 27, 1936, in San Antonio, Texas along with " 32-20 Blues ", "They're Red Hot", " Cross Road Blues ", " Walkin' Blues ", " Last Fair Deal Gone Down ", "Preaching Blues" and "If I … Listen to Dead Shrimp Blues by Peter Green for free, and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. Dead Shrimp Blues tab by Robert Johnson. anchialine caves), amounting to about a fifth of global shrimp diversity. Of the more species-rich countries, over 40% of the fauna are threatened in Cuba and over 30% in China, Indonesia and the United States. Dead Shrimp Blues Band at The Dyers Arms, Leek, Last Friday of the month, every month. Lyrics: I woke up this mornin and all my shrimp was dead and gone I woke up this mornin ooh and all my shrimp was dead and gone I was thinin about you baby, why you hear me weep and moan. here. As such many of the recommendations for habitat and species conservation apply. Non-marine shrimp taxa were extracted from the global checklist by De Grave and Fransen [10], supplemented by newly described taxa up to March 2013. Kevin G. Smith, I got dead shrimps here, ooh, someone fishin' in my pond Anchialine species living in the deeper, more saline parts of caves and pools were excluded, as were fully brackish water species. On the basis of biogeographical realms (Table 1), the Nearctic has the highest proportion of threatened species (46.1%), despite harbouring the lowest biodiversity of all realms. Yixiong Cai, A better recognition of the needs of freshwater biodiversity within protected area management plans [34, 35] is also required. PLOS ONE promises fair, rigorous peer review, A further notable centre of diversity is New Caledonia (Australasian realm) with 31 species, the highest number for any oceanic island. Three of the other freshwater families, Desmocarididae, Typhlocarididae and Xiphocarididae are monogeneric families comprising of only a handful of species (two, four, two respectively). Differences in larval development also explain the different threat levels between the two, dominant shrimp families. Of particular relevance, and unique within freshwater invertebrates, is the need for brackish or fully marine water for larval development [29] in 14% of all species (108 species) included in the current assessment. It is about not being able to satisfy your woman and she is having an affair. Relatively few freshwater groups inhabit the full range of environmental conditions as do shrimps, which dwell in slow flowing rivers near the sea, large ancient lakes, swamps, small streams and montane lakes, as well as in varied subterranean habitats. I got dead shrimps here, 'n' someone fishin' in my pond Yes 5) at family level, with the extinction risk of Atyidae (37% species threatened) being more than twice that of the other speciose family, Palaemonidae (14.8%). Australia harbours a similar number of known species (39), which is likely to rise significantly, even though large parts of the country are arid. There is an urgent need for policies and management governing freshwater systems to be better informed (CBD SBSTTA 2010), so that remaining biodiversity is protected and that continued ecosystem service provision is safeguarded, as recognised in the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Aichi Targets. No, Is the Subject Area "Invasive species" applicable to this article? José Luis Villalobos, The overall level of DD species (where there is inadequate information to assess risk of extinction) presently stands at 282 species (37.0% of all species), a high proportion of which are not known beyond their original, type descriptions. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union. In total 763 species and an additional 38 subspecies were included in the present assessment. Babe, I couldn't do nothin', until I got myself unwound. Additionally, global industrial scale production of freshwater shrimps is in excess of 440 000 tonnes per annum with a total value of US$ 2.2 billion [12], and in contrast to most other freshwater invertebrate groups, an increasing number of species are being made available in the aquarium trade. This is not an unusual level of deficiency when assessing invertebrate taxa, with for instance 49.1% in freshwater crabs [27] and 21.0% in crayfishes [28]. Of these, two families, Atyidae and Palaemonidae, numerically dominate the fauna, comprising 443 and 300 species respectively, and thus account for 97.4% of all freshwater shrimp species (Fig. (A) Caridina woltereckae (EN), endemic to Lake Towuti (Sulawesi), currently under threat due to overharvesting for the aquarium trade, pollution and invasive fish species; (B) Macrobrachium vollenhoveni (LC), a widespread African species, ranging from Senegal to Angola; (C) Euryrhynchus amazoniensis (LC), a widespread Amazonian species; (D) Palaemonias alabamae (EN), known from only four cave systems in Alabama, USA, currently under threat from groundwater abstraction and habitat change. Sammy De Grave, More research is urgently required into the ecologies of the species concerned, whilst legislative actions possibly including site level protection needs to be taken to protect this globally fragile ecosystem. Desmocarididae and Typhlocarididae are highly threatened (50.0 and 100.0% respectively), as are the freshwater members of Alpheidae (60.0%). Analyzed the data: SDG KGS NAA DJA FA AA YC SFC WK FLM TJP JYS JLV DW. Threats to freshwater shrimps include agricultural and urban pollution impact over two-thirds of threatened and NT species. The risk of extinction for each species was assessed according to IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria version 3.1 [15] with information including geographic range, population, habitat requirements, and threats being collated in order to assign a Red List Category to each species. Globally, around 3500 species were known in 2011 [10] with a significant number of additions since then. Taxonomic uncertainty certainly accounts for some of this deficiency, however many of these species are not known beyond their type locality and their actual geographic ranges are unclear due to inadequate on-the-ground knowledge. At the hole where I used to fish, baby, you've got me posted out This song can be grouped with other songs (such as Kindhearted Woman, Honeymoon Blues, and so on) which could be given a name like the Double Stop family. Freshwater habitats occupy less than 1% of the Earth’s surface [1], but harbour nearly 10% of the world’s species [2], 85% of which are invertebrates [3]. On a country basis (S1 Appendix), China has the highest number of species (159), amounting to 20.8% of the global fauna; followed by Indonesia (116), India (77), Philippines (58), Mexico (48) and Malaysia (48). These families are relatively range restricted, desmocarids to western Africa, typhlocaridids to the circum-Mediterranean and xiphocaridids to the Caribbean. Reproduce canciones completas de Dead Shrimp Blues por en tu teléfono, ordenador y sistema de audio doméstico con Various Artists. (2015) Dead Shrimp Blues: A Global Assessment of Extinction Risk in Freshwater Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea). This means that while pollution impacts a large number of species it is less likely to have a severe impact upon shrimp populations than the other threats. Private Researcher, Rum, Austria, Affiliation Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: SDG KGS NAA DJA FA AA YC SFC WK FLM TJP JYS JLV DW. Sulawesi in Indonesia has the highest number of threatened species in the world (Fig. 6), followed by Cuba, the Philippines and southern China. 2). The Indo-Malayan region holds over half of global species diversity, with a peak in Indo-China and southern China. The Californian Syncaris pasadenae used to be common before 1900 in streams around Pasadena, now part of the Los Angeles conurbation, but despite extensive surveys, the species has not been found since 1933 [26]. Those species assessed as CR, EN or VU are termed ‘threatened’. SKU 78106. Yes Global Species Programme, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Affiliation Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University, Nathan, Australia, Affiliation Noteworthy is the much higher percentage of DD species in Atyidae (42.4%) compared to Palaemonidae (28.6%). While pollution impacts over two-thirds (69%) of all threatened and NT shrimp species (over twice the number as any other threat), it has the second lowest average threat impact score, and the lowest threat severity (with 31% species undergoing very rapid or rapid declines). This work was supported through the ‘Biodiversity of Freshwater Ecosystems: Trends, Pressures and Conservation Priorities (BioFresh)’ FP7 project funded by the European Union (Contract No. Tropical Marine Science Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Affiliation Descubre Dead Shrimp Blues de Robert Johnson en Amazon Music. For many of these species, no accounts are available beyond their original descriptions, often based on specimens collected pre-1950 and without much information available as to their current distributions, population sizes or potential threats, similar to the freshwater crab fauna [27]. Catchin' my goggle-eye perches, and they barbequin' the bone 1A), which comprises 290 species [10], of which 280 were included in the present assessment. These are primarily the incorporation of the needs of biodiversity within water management decision making processes through the adoption of integrated water resource management (IWRM) principles, environmental flow concepts and comprehensive environmental and social impact assessments (EISAs). Calculations for the latter two indicators are based on threatened and NT species only. I've served my best bait, baby, and I can't do that no harm1 The global distribution of this genus comprises all realms (except Antarctica), although few species are present in the eastern Palearctic and only a single species in the Nearctic (Macrobrachium ohione). how much of the population is impacted by the threat (whole >90%, majority 50–90%, minority <50%); and the severity of the threat i.e. I got dead shrimp here someone is fishin in my pond I got dead shrimp here, ooh Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Oxford, United Kingdom, Affiliation Although anecdotal evidence supports the notion that dams and weirs have significantly impacted the distribution of several shrimp species, notably some Mexican and South African Palaemonidae, potential mitigating measures have been poorly studied so far, in contrast to fish and needs to be put on the research agenda. Other concentrations of threatened species are disjunct areas of karst in the Philippines, the high altitude lake region of Yunnan (China), the cave systems in Cuba and large river systems on the Pacific coast of Mexico. In each area pollution plays a significant role, along with mining (Philippines), human intrusions (Cuba) and dams (Mexico). De Robert Johnson y Robert Leroy Johnson. Contributed equally to this work with: A significant proportion of the fauna also inhabits karst and other subterranean environments, with numerous species having highly localised distributions and being under multiple threats, from groundwater extraction and climate change to pollution of surface catchments. Freshwater shrimps are only present in seven families out of 38 currently recognised families of Caridea [18]. No, PLOS is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation, #C2354500, based in San Francisco, California, US, Examples of these impacts are: introduced guppies and trout predating upon juveniles of Lancaris kumariae (CR), which is known only from a 3–4 km stretch of a stream in Sri Lanka [30]; increased urbanisation around Valencia in Spain, impacting the range restricted Dugastella valentina (NT) [31]; and climate change impacting several cave dwelling taxa (Stygiocaris spp., Typhlocaridina spp.) I woke up this mornin', ooh, and all my shrimp was dead and gone However, the taxonomic status of this species has been questioned, and it could be a synonym of a widespread, LC species in the M. pilimanus complex. For example, a significant number of additional Caridina species are known, but await formal description. Yes Inland waters also provide important ecosystem services, which are typically more valuable than in other ecosystem types, and are often critical in supporting the livelihoods of the poorest communities [4]. Reproduce gratis el video Dead Shrimp Blues de Devil On My Trail de Robert Johnson, y mira las ilustraciones, letras y artista similares. However, it is the subterranean faunas that are at the greatest risk of extinction with over two-thirds of species assessed as threatened, making up almost half of all threatened freshwater shrimp species. The highest concentration of threatened species is on Sulawesi, where the species flock of Caridina is being impacted by harvesting for the aquarium trade due to their attractive colour pattern, whereas the lake fauna in general is impacted by invasive fishes, as well as various sources of pollution [25]. 7) are pollution, primarily from urban and agricultural sources, which impacts 68.7%; and human intrusions and disturbance, which impacts 31.3% (primarily cave dwelling species). 1 contributor total, last edit on … Two species are extinct with a further 10 possibly extinct, and almost one third of species are either threatened or Near Threatened (NT). Of these, invasive species impact the highest proportion of threatened and NT shrimp species (29%), and potentially causes 88.9% of these species to undergo very rapid or rapid declines (the second highest severity of all the threats). 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