Watch all you want. He was in the two Spanish Netflix genre movies The Occupant (2020) and Mirage (2018) which offer two entirely different sides of him compared to the character in Below Zero. Videos Below Zero. Some of that tensions stems from the basic premise which uses the conventional “little fish in a big pond” idea to showcase our hard-nosed prison officer Martin in over his head in the worst possible situation. Starring: Javier Gutiérrez,Karra Elejalde,Luis Callejo. With a prisoner VS guards scenario that looks set to explode at any moment, the midway point changes direction and starts to deliver a patchwork of influences for our characters to fight against. Waiting outside is a man trying to get in and seemingly ready to do whatever it takes. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Spanish made Netflix film Below Zero, is an action thriller that stars Javier Gutierrez. The film has fun playing with different genres and their conventions and expectations, and there's plenty of fun, tension, thrills, mystery, and violence. Go figure! If you think he brought the spare tires with him, then that would indicate a very different plan than “just” getting his hands on the one guy. Certificate: 18. title Bajocero ). It’s just that with a title like Below Zero, you’d expect the scenes in the snow and cold to be a priority. Since the police officer Martin is the main protagonist, we see most of his life. JOIN NOW SIGN IN. If you can look past some of the illogical scenarios, there’s a nice little Spanish guilty pleasure here. Oh yeah, and I absolutely HATE when animals are harmed in movies, so I will immediately think less of any movie, where animals are harmed for entertainment (even if the animals are just really good actors). It’s not constant but there are times where a character’s face is bathed in darkness while they’re talking or reacting to what’s happening, making it difficult to see the actor in question at work. And the Jason Statham movie "Homefront" is still holding strong. Below Zero is released on Netflix worldwide on January 29, 2021. Below Zero … Second, It could have been far better just with a more risky script. Still, I can’t say I wasn’t entertained, so I suspect many Netflix viewers will be happy with this movie. Directed by Lluís Quílez. It’s not a deal breaker but is definitely something worth bearing in mind before jumping into this one. View all posts by Subhadeep Ganguli → Post navigation. Date: 1st Feb 2021 Author: trailertrashed89 0 Comments. I write reviews and recaps on Heaven of Horror. When a prisoner transfer van is attacked, the cop in charge must fight those inside and outside while dealing with a silent foe: the i… When a prisoner transfer van is attacked, the cop in charge must fight those inside and outside while dealing with a silent foe: the icy temperatures. Below Zero's immediate success on Netflix is surprising when considering the lack of female characters. I also expect a lot from them – especially in terms of plot and characters. Comment with Facebook. Netflix's New Spanish Action Movie 'Below Zero' Is a Brutal, Cold-Blooded Thriller A prison transport van is under siege in the latest foreign language hit for the streamer. Sure, we see the attacker tightening a few tire bolts and fiddling with wires, but is that really an explanation?! Director: Lluís Quílez. Starring: Javier Gutiérrez, Karra Elejalde, Luis Callejo. However, it does also leave you with some questions that you never quite get answers to. The Netflix film is also the most popular offering on Netflix regardless of format. Explain your thoughts on this film and its ending. Explain your thoughts on this film and its ending. The plot was what originally drew me to this film; a cop having to fend off criminals and freezing temperatures seemed like it could be interesting enough and it was for a bit. Below Zero Netflix Movie (Spanish)| Suspense Thriller | Filmy Review - YouTube. Below Zero is set in east-central Spain on the roads between Madrid and Cuenca. The final moments could go one of two ways and I almost wish they’d gone the other way. This does translate nicely into Martin’s character arc though, with a satisfying enough ending to the journey for this character we’ve been following over the course of the movie. Also, it would mean he executed his theoretical longer plan very poorly. About Subhadeep Ganguli. Director: Lluís QuílezWriters: Fernando Navarro, Lluís QuílezStars: Javier Gutiérrez, Àlex Monner, Patrick Criado, Édgar Vittorino, Karra Elejalde, Luis Callejo, Florin Opritescu, Isak Férriz, Andrés Gertrúdix, Miquel Gelabert. Share. ), Latest posts by Karina "ScreamQueen" Adelgaard, The Little Things – Review [HBO Max] (4/5). Both are things that should have been somehow explained. Below Zero (Spanish: Bajocero) is a 2021 Spanish action film directed by Lluís Quílez, written by Fernando Navarro and Lluís Quílez and starring Javier Gutiérrez, Karra Elejalde, Luis Callejo and Patrick Criado. It had my firm attention for two hours. Below Zero Netflix Movie Review (Bajocero Review) Below Zero Netflix Movie Review (Bajocero Review) 2021-01-30 18:10:16 7 hours ago ; Reads 412; Comments 0; By: Austin Burke; A + A-71. UNLIMITED TV SHOWS & MOVIES. With Javier Gutiérrez, Karra Elejalde, Luis Callejo, Andrés Gertrúdix. One of those titles is Below Zero, a Spanish action film about a … Contrived, sure, but it is explained. Below Zero — the latest Netflix Original action thriller, which was released Friday — mostly takes place in a vehicle, which is appropriate since from the very first scene, which is of a man shrouded in darkness torturing, interrogating and burying alive another man, it never takes its foot off the Martin, the policeman who was driving, survives and fortifies his position while the con men search for a way to finish him. Fortunately, horror doesn't use this nearly as much as comedy. The first sets up an intriguing and tense thriller for the second half to lean into, all guns blazing. He previously co-wrote Paco Plaza’s horror movie Veronica (2017) and the Netflix movie Unknown Origins. At 1 hour and 46 minutes, it runs too long for its own good. Netflix movie Below Zero is armed with some nice action set pieces but feels far too stretched out for the story it’s trying to tell. The third act in particular is stretched out and loses some of that initial tension some prevalent early on. As it turns out, Below Zero is a pretty standard action movie that follows a prisoner transport van. A lot of weird situations make the most part of the movie unbelievable. Yes it is a little silly, a little nonsensical and very much influenced by what’s come before, but there’s enough here to recommend nonetheless. Info. While it does succeed in a way to deliver this, it perhaps could have been handled a little more elegantly than the bombastic end result we’re given. All with just a few quick (and rather far fetched) scenes to explain how. The third act in particular is stretched out and loses some of that initial tension some prevalent early on. “Below Zero” is the most popular movie on Netflix, according to the streaming service’s public ranking system. Structural flaws almost right off the bat. All Rights Reserved. Acting is just OK from the full cast. Especially when certain elements of the story seem a tad too far fetched. Below Zero (2021) Netflix Spanish Movie Review ‘Below Zero,’ Netflix’s new Spanish indie offering may as well be a Hindi film, for it is only in certain markets where features can be neatly divided into two acts, and one or the other (most often the latter) can determine what we feel about the movie overall. On a lonely road, a prison transport is brutally assaulted. This also means we know what kind of person he is when Martin ends up trapped in a prison transport van with a handful of prisoners. Specially bus driver and nano. This is my Spoiler Free Review for Below Zero on Netflix AKA my Bajocero Review on Netflix. The escorts are forbidden from carrying them as an anti-hijacking measure, in case they tip off people like the Romanian crime-lord’s friends. Share with facebook; Tweet with twitter; This is my Spoiler Free Review for Below Zero on Netflix AKA my Bajocero Review on Netflix. These spots include Madrid, and Segovia. Netflix Netflix. In the middle of the night, a prison van carrying convicts is assaulted. Well, except for those scenes in the snow, which looked way too fake. BELOW ZERO is a new Spanish Netflix thriller with crime and action taking the lead from beginning to end. The result is a film that has you itching to turn up the brightness during these segments. Join our mailing list to receive the latest horror reviews and news (1-2 mails per month! Gutierrez is a poor mans Titus Welliver, and I am a fan of neither. With his very recognizable face and small stature, he leaves one hell of an impact. Still, I do feel that this movie runs a bit too long and ultimately asks its viewer to accept too much without explanation. Netflix Netflix. Below Zero is available to stream on Netflix now. The way the Below Zero ending plays out just seems very predictable. Still, it is certainly an entertaining watch, so check it out if you enjoy crime-thrillers. Did you enjoy Below Zero on Netflix? But the thrill worked, however: especially the Titanic style scene. In the role of Martin, we have Javier Gutiérrez who is becoming a very familiar face to fans of Spanish movies. It would have been braver to go in another direction. Shared. Posted by Karina "ScreamQueen" Adelgaard | Jan 29, 2021 | Read Time 4 min. Also, I have a huge soft spot for a good horror-comedy. 2021 | TV-MA | 1h 46m | Action Thrillers. Copy link. 2021 | 18+ | 1h 46m | Heist Movies. Police officer Martin, who was driving the van, is under the authority of a police officer who is driving the car. Then again, this is such a small thing that I won’t hold it against the movie. In the final act, there's a gruesome display of violence, which will undoubtedly remind some viewers of the brutality in S. Craig Zahler films like Then again, I recognize that a movie like this one is made for the masses. Also, where did he get the new tires from? Just a simple thing like why no one seems to wonder why the prison transport doesn’t arrive at its destination on time? BELOW-ZERO-NETFLIX-REVIEW-1024×683. I must say from the outset that this a really good and entertaining thriller. Screenwriter: Fernando Navarro, Lluís Quílez. Personally, I would still recommend that you check out Below Zero if you enjoy crime-thrillers that keep the suspense and tension going. And wouldn’t someone check in with the transport along the way? Great acting, but far fetched plot: too bad. Speaking of shades of grey though, a lot of this movie is shot at night, unfortunately giving this title a bit of a lighting problem. And yes, it does happen that I find myself screaming, when watching a good horror movie. UNLIMITED TV SHOWS & MOVIES. It’s just too damn sloppy! Starring: Javier Gutiérrez, Karra Elejalde, Luis Callejo. Police officer Martin (Javier Gutiérrez) is assigned to … The other co-writer of this new Netflix thriller is Fernando Navarro. No cell phones, no GPS tracking (the transport was important, right? Below Zero. It’s not made overtly clear where the beginning of the film takes place but it’s likely the city of Madrid. Expect a fair amount of gore, death, guns, … Runtime: 106 Minutes. The opening scenes of Below Zero do a great job of introducing the characters. Sending. As already mentioned, this new Netflix thriller is from Spain (org. Con Air is one of my favorite dumb action movies of all time, which I raise because Netflix’s new Spanish action-thriller Below Zero is so clearly inspired by it that it borders on plagiarism. Below Zero is a film of two halves. The Spanish action-thriller tells the story of an officer tasked with driving an armored truck full of prisoners. And people wouldn’t have enjoyed a darker or sadder ending. Just when we thought they couldn't top themselves, Netflix proved us wrong. He wants to get his hands on just one of the prisoners, which means we have a mystery on our hands. One that will be revealed but not until the final part of the movie. All of this combines to deliver a constantly shifting and evolving movie that uses these tonal shifts to remain unpredictable and tense. Share on facebook Tweet on twitter. The “no cellphones” thing is actually explained early on. Also, for a van that wouldn’t start and had flat tires, it definitely manages to suddenly drive. Tasked with driving dangerous criminals across the country – thorough back-roads in the blustery winter conditions no less – disaster strikes. From the lighting to the snow, it just felt like a studio recording in all those cringey ways. According to the film's official IMDb page, Below Zero was filmed in multiple parts of Spain. The entire main cast consists of men only, with some of the characters telling emotional stories about the women in their lives. When a prisoner transfer van is attacked, the cop in charge must fight those inside and outside while dealing with a silent foe: the icy temperatures. JOIN NOW SIGN IN. Directed by Lluís Quílez, Below Zero includes the usual genre twists, but the primary themes seem to especially resonate with audiences. Click Here To Go Back To Our Movie Reviews. What ensues from this tense build-up is a stand-off between Martin and the prisoners as they trade blows and gunshots while vying for control over the situation they find themselves in. Below Zero Netflix Movie (Spanish)| Suspense Thriller | Filmy Review. You’ve got elements of Cube and Escape Room blended with Assault on Precinct 13 and sprinklings of survival movies like Arctic. For the ending scenes in the town (including the structure where Miguel begins to shoot at Nano), Tobes in Guadalajara for was utilized. JOIN NOW. Genre: Action, Crime. However, when it comes to production quality, it was definitely well-made. Writer, entrepreneur, thinker. As mentioned just now, the story feels like a mish-mash of different movies; a loosely stitched influence of weird and wonderful Hollywood titles over the years, both Indie and mainstream. Directed by Lluís Quílez, the movie currently boasts an 80 percent score on Rotten Tomatoes and ranks above popular titles like The Dig, The Vanished, and We Can Be Heroes. You might like: Our review of Unknown Origins which is another Spanish Netflix movie >. Below Zero occasionally stumbles with its story, but it does a brilliant job of keeping you on the edge of your seat. This is only the second feature film for Lluís Quílez since he directed Out of the Dark (2014), but he definitely has a good handle on these genre productions. Every movie fan knows that an ending can often do a lot for your overall opinion of the movie. The Below Zero cast may be recognizable to many viewers, considering several actors have appeared in other Netflix projects.The Spanish thriller released in late January 2021 and quickly reached the #1 spot on Netflix. It took a good 5 or so minutes to wrap our minds around this reverse migration, especially because Kayla and Mac’s mother is English herself. Follows the story of a prisoner truck transfer that goes horribly wrong. Below Zero (2021) Review. Below Zero. A Great build up and stellar second act that inevitably lead to a disappointing and predictable ending. On Jan. 29, the streaming service released Below Zero — a Spanish thriller about a prisoner transfer van that is suddenly attacked while on the road. Introducing Below Zero, the 2021 Spanish action film that jumped to the number one spot on Netflix's most watched movies list in less than 24 hours. It secured support from ICEC, and its international sales are overseen by Film Factory Entertainment. title Bajocero) and I do tend to like Spanish genre productions. A bunch of new Netflix original movies, such as "Below Zero" and "The Dig," were popular with users this week. Below Zero flirts with character depth and shocking brutality, but doesn't go all-in on either. Interestingly, Below Zero throws in a nice little twist midway through, challenging the balance of power while trying to give a deeper meaning than a simple cops VS prisoners premise. Lluís Quílez is the director and co-writer of Below Zero. Posting on behalf of Nirmal Word Services, content service agency in India. Netflix is home to many wonderful films and television shows, as well as plenty of great foreign films. Watch all you want. And people assume horror lovers are the messed up ones. And kill whoever is in the way. Below Zero – Netflix Review (3/5) BELOW ZERO is a new Netflix thriller from Spain (org. Don’t let me give you the wrong idea, though – it’s nowhere near as good, with a padded runtime, far less memorable characters, and a frigid atmosphere that extends way beyond the freezing climate that … He only had access to the front cab of the van. Videos Below Zero. Below Zero is a production by Morena Films, Amorós Producciones, Radio Televisión Española and Netflix, which is releasing it worldwide. Parents need to know that Below Zero is a Spanish thriller about a National Police Corps officer in Spain who must transport a large vehicle moving 6 dangerous inmates to another prison in the dead of night. User Review 0 (0 votes) Posted Under. Fantastic acting done by all characters. Watch later. The ending of Below Zero is actually quite good because it offers up a lot of answers. When a prisoner transfer van is attacked, the cop in charge must fight those inside and outside while dealing with a silent foe: the icy temperatures. ), not a single other vehicle on those roads, a miraculous recovery of the wounded policeman and a cold nobody wants to protects against (rhats, gloves, anybody?) Just had the opportunity to watch the Spanish film "Below Zero" on Netflix. Continue reading our Below Zero movie review below. JOIN NOW. It does run a bit too long and asks its viewer to accept too much without explanation. The twists and turns do seem a little far-fetched, but Below Zero is overall an entertaining ride, especially for those who enjoy action thrillers with a little bit of mystery. © 2021 TheReviewGeek. Netflix movie Below Zero is armed with some nice action set pieces but feels far too stretched out for the story it’s trying to tell. I don’t feel this movie was particularly strong in the plot or character department. March 12, 2021 Subhadeep Ganguli Leave a comment. First, even the movie is full of cliches and predictable the settings and action scenes are pretty well executed. I mean, he wasn’t exactly ready to get the guy once he got out of the van. I love psychological horror, survival horror and kick-ass women. Transport doesn ’ t have enjoyed a darker or sadder ending wouldn ’ t at. Definitely something worth bearing in mind before jumping into this one is made for masses... Strong in the plot or character department explain how thing is actually explained early on Netflix, according the! Driving the van, is an action thriller that stars Javier Gutierrez quality, just!, as well as plenty of great foreign films myself screaming, when it comes to production,. Part of the van the Titanic style scene did he get the tires... Recommend that you check out Below Zero ending plays out just seems very predictable runs bit! Quite good because it offers up a lot from them – especially in of. 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