All major stakeholders of the game, without exception, use and trust our numbers for two main reasons: precision and reliability. As you add angle the force creates compression and spin. This category reveals the key metrics behind how far a person can potentially hit a golf ball and if that potential is being reached. Golfers that have a Dynamic Loft equal to or greater than Static Loft - Attack Angle likely have a poor impact position. The point is... there are so many factors that "ideal" for any number on any metric changes based on you, your swing, and your goals. So the total numbers may be off, but the carry numbers (most important) show the proper numbers (steeper attack > more spin + less ball speed = less carry). Oddly, he had more spin (6400) vs. mine (5700). If you continue on this website, you will be providing your consent to our use of cookies. In fact, the G425 Max produces an average MOI increase of 14% compared to the G410 Plus, regardless of whether the weight is secured in the neutral, draw or fade setting. So as you can see, there is no ideal for everyone! Trackman adjusts for right / left. The optimal club path depends on the type of shot the golfer wants to play. ... An “in-to-out” club path is necessary to hit a draw and an “out-to-in” club path is necessary to hit a fade. Like ROK Golf! The fit of the club is also an essential piece of the puzzle. So yes, more spin WILL have a negative impact on driver distance generally. A PW should have a smash factor near 1.25.DRIVER EXAMPLEGolfer A has a club speed of 100 mph and a smash factor of 1.40. Our blog will present ideas for discussions from different perspectives. With a club path of zero, the slightest negative face angle will create a negative … The Mavrik is the longest and strongest lofted iron that Callaway produces, and so I decided to pit the Mavrik 7 iron up against the B-21 6 iron as they are very close in loft and so provide accurate results for comparison. I don’t have the trackman numbers yet but with my gamer, I was averaging about 110 club head speed, 160-something ball speed, 270-275 carry, 285-290 total. Copyright © 2021 TrackMan Golf. Practice taking one or two clubs more (5 iron instead of 7 iron) and swing easier.This will help you control your ball flight and distance. There is likely a casting type action on the downswing which will reduce the ball speed, overall distance and reduce contact quality. Do you know where one can find optimal numbers for: Smash Factor relates to the amount of energy transferred from the club head to the golf ball.The higher the smash factor the better the energy transfer. Learn more about TrackMan Combine, visit TrackMan Combine Explained The standard assumption for spin rate comes from the TrackMan Optimizer. This will affect the golfer’s potential distance. We randomize all the number of posts and the #1 number on the top is the winner. From Trackman My response 9 times out of 10 is... "It depends!". In case you did not receive an email confirmation, please check your spam folder. Steve Cohen is renowned for working with numbers, and now his Point72 empire is helping boost the Mets' analytics department. Spin rate is one of the least appreciated numbers, especially in windy conditions. Ideally you want to be around 2200 spin give or take depending on a few factors. An important thing to know about carry is that the value is given for a landing area that is the same height as where the ball is hit from. Club Speed is the speed the club head is traveling immediately prior to impact. The energy is used to compress and launch the golf ball instead of impart spin. A high spin rate is the enemy, particularly when hitting in to the wind. This was accomplished by two-time world long drive champion, Jamie Sadlowski. The more angle, the more spin and less compression. Brian. We will randomize 1 to 1,000 using a website that has a randomizer. If the winner has duplicate entries we count the first Most golfers relate this number to hitting the ball “in-to-out” or “out-to-in”.A positive value means the club is moving to the right of the target at impact (“in-to-out” for a right-handed golfer) and a negative value means it is moving to the left of the target (“out-to-in” for a right-handed golfer). We have so many players who want to hit their driver longer. Attack Angle Ball speed is created by club speed and impact. However,as sweet as the numbers on the monitor, I couldn’t help myself from trying other combos, like 10* draw FT9 with a xstiff 83 white board. Launch angle is highly correlated to dynamic loft. A golfer may want to hit a 5 yard fade, straight shot, or 10 yard draw. For a driver, a club speed of 94 mph, attack angle of 0 degrees, and optimized carry results in a spin rate of 2,772 rpm. If you are not hitting the center of the club you are not going to get the best results... period. The club path is part of what influences the curvature of the shot. Launch angle will always be a little less than dynamic loft, but will have a similar value. While talk is great, the numbers back PING 's claims about the G425 Max up, with three combinations of weight position and loft measuring north of a whopping 10,000 MOI. I assume you are talking about a driver swing speed of 95-100 mph. We track the full trajectory of any shot, from 6 foot pitches to 400 yard drives, pinpointing the landing position with an accuracy of less than 1 foot at 100 yards. With TrackMan, you will quickly understand why and how they use our data in their daily work. Face angle is the most important number when determining the starting direction of the golf ball. Spin creates lift and drag which reduces distance. This probably did not answer your question, but really it is never about one or two factors, it is the combination of factors. The big players here are a person's club path and his face angle in relation to that path that will determine where his golf ball ends up flying towards his target or finishes left or right. In fact, adding 1 mph of club speed can increase your distance by up to 3 yards with the driver. A draw club path and face angle has the potential for higher Smash Factor over a fade swing because the club is de-lofted and the ball is "trapped" with a draw swing. To maximize distance with your driver, hitting up on the ball (positive attack angle) is a must.The driver’s loft should be chosen so that it complements the golfer’s attack angle.Having a positive attack angle does not guarantee maximum distance. Brian. Creating the proper dynamic loft for the golfer’s club speed is important to creating the optimal trajectory and maximizing carry.Too much dynamic loft can send the ball too high into the air and reduce the golfer’s distance.Too little dynamic loft can send the ball too low making the ball roll out excessively causing it difficult to judge distance. Spin rate has a major influence on the height and distance of a shot. All rights reserved. The best way to optimize this... find somewhere you can come in and practice on Trackman. Dyanmic Loft We use cookies and similar technologies to improve your user experience. If a flat surface impacted the golf ball, there would be maximum compression and zero spin. I confirmed the fitting in Vegas at their fitting centre while on vacation. My spin loft was 24.7* and his was 21.5*. For example the numbers below are from some 8-irons I hit. The ball will launch very closely to the direction the club face (face angle) is pointed at impact.To hit a straight shot, the face angle should be zero. Each position has a noticeable impact on the ball flight and the position of the sweet spot. Each of these shots has its own optimal face angle. Golfer B has a club speed of 100 mph and a smash factor of 1.50. Many say that better players have lower dynamic loft. Your swing properties will help determine what the ideal combination is for you with respect to carry distance, height, etc.. Less compression = less ball speed = less distance. Then the golfer can adjust for uphill and downhill shots on the course. Even golfers that fade the golf ball (open face-to-path) should ideally have a lower Dynamic Loft then Static Loft - Attack Angle. My carry was 182.6, his 192.6. Below are examples of the key club and ball definitions you can track with TrackMan. So if you have elite ball speed (like JT) you can have more spin as the velocity makes up for it. We have now received your message, and we will get back to you soon. Jack - I assume you are talking about the numbers in the chart. It scrambles the numbers and the #1 is the first place and the #2 is the second etc. If you are not, that is your first mission. Golfer A’s ball speed is 140 mph. The expectation is that it will produce about 600 rpm less spin than the G425 MAX driver and 200 or so rpm less than the prior-gen G410 LST ($399) . I saw my typical straight/slight draw shot ... Ill have more tommorow with Trackman numbers vs the Ahina in the 17 M1. I do not like to see golfers with a path of zero. The TrackMan numbers are the brain behind it all. I have a shallow attack angle, about -3.5* for a 6-iron. Due to a good player delivering the club consistently they are consistently hitting a similar shot pattern through a similar apex window. The 26 gram weight in the back can be put in three positions – Fade, Neutral, or Draw. For a 6-iron, a club speed of 80 mph and mid-trajectory results in a dynamic loft of 22.4 degrees. In general the steeper you are the more spin you impart on the ball and the less compression. Why? Shot shape (draw vs. fade) also influences smash factor. I would not look at total distance, look at carry distance. Jack, The 10 mph difference in ball speed between Golfer A and Golfer B equates to approximately 20 yards in distance between the two golfers even though they have the same club speed. The highest recorded club speed is 150 mph! The consistency of a players attack angle and club path are two of the biggest factors I see that differentiate a good player from an average one. This really depends on several things. Indoor testing on Trackman produced very similar numbers between the B21 and Mavrik irons, as I was expecting. A negative path is always "out to in" regardless of which side you are hitting from. Negative club path is swinging to the left for a lefty. It also is part of what determines the ball’s starting direction.An “in-to-out” club path is necessary to hit a draw and an “out-to-in” club path is necessary to hit a fade. Spin Loft In that case the attack angle has a major impact on distance, but again it depends on the club you are using and the ball as well as your swing and most importantly impact location. This reason is why carry is sometimes referred to as “carry flat”. How a player launches the ball tells a story of how he/she is delivering the club into impact. The static loft of my 8 iron is 36 degrees, subtract 6.5 for a negative attack angle, and you are left with 29.5. My background is civil engineering. That is why in our comparison shots... even though he lauched it 5* lower than me (which is a lot), our apex was close 106 (me) vs 100 (JT). Unfortunately, the answer is that there is no one answer for all players. Virtual Golf. The higher the loft of the club, the lower the smash factor is expected to be. The lower the spin loft the higher the smash factor. Launching a bit too high but spin was okay. From an instructional standpoint this area of numbers is where I spend most of my time when working with a student. does this still mean I'm swinging out to the left? One way to reduce spin is to hit a lower lofted club. Below are graphics of shots hit with a pitching wedge, 6 iron and driver that ended up pretty close to the target line. Using the club speed definition, we would expect the average male amateur to hit their driver as far as the average LPGA Tour player.However, the actual difference is more than 20 yards. What does that mean? Indeed, suspected cases should be swiftly reported to the authorities as the locality battles to get to grips with the rise in case numbers. A golfer would hope to achieve a smash factor near 1.50 on driver shots.That means for a 100 mph club speed the ball speed would be 150 mph. Trying to get a crazy positive (4,5,6 degrees or more) is very difficult to do consistently and brings bigger misses into play. Most golfers refer to this as having an “open” or “closed” club face.A positive value means the club face is pointed to the right of the target at impact (“open” for a right-handed golfer) and a negative value means the club face is pointed to the left of the target (“closed” for a right-handed golfer). The golfer’s attack angle, how the shaft bends, how the golfer releases the club head, whether the club face is open or closed to the club path, and where the ball makes contact on the club face can all impact the dynamic loft. or does it flip and mean I'm coming over the top? To hit a straight shot, the club path should be zero. January 2019, All My path being in-to-out with a closed face and a forward shaft lean account for the remaining 7 degree difference between that number and my average Dynamic Loft of 22.4 degrees. In general I hit a very high low spinning shot and have very high smash factor. "The standard assumption for dynamic loft comes from the TrackMan Optimizer. This situation tells a story of having minimal if any forward shaft lean at impact. The more ball speed (and less spin) for the same amount of club speed. March 2019 However, the number 1 thing is to figure out if you are getting 1.5 smash. All things being equal, more club speed will also increase spin rate. Shots hit off the ground should have a negative attack angle in order to create “ball first” contact.However, golfers with slower club speeds should be careful not to hit too much down (negative attack angle) with their irons. More spin + higher launch will result in less roll out. More club speed equals more potential distance. What is ideal? TrackMan Each of these shots has its own optimal club path. This is critical to understanding the forces involved in a club impacting a ball. I do think it may be a typo in the Trackman data. By comparison Justin Thomas is at -5.5* and many of the pros that I looked at are steeper though it says that PGA Tour average is -4.1*. “Glancing blows” created by hooks, slices, and hitting too much down on the ball can also reduce the potential ball speed.Although a golfer’s club speed is key to potential distance, the ball speed that is created at impact is the biggest factor in how far the ball actually carries.Gaining 1 mph of ball speed can increase your driver distance by up to 2 yards. The shape of my shot was unchanged by the installment of a new shaft. However in general you should seek to have a 0 or slightly positive attack angle with driver. Is that a typo? July 2019 Shaft lean at impact is a big factor in dynamic loft and most higher handicap players "flip" early and don't have their hands ahead at impact like pros. The optimal face angle depends on the type of shot the golfer wants play.A golfer may want to hit a 5 yard fade, straight shot, or 10 yard draw. It would be a "knuckle ball". I personally have a very unique swing that produces interesting numbers. I'm left handed and my club path is -4.8? As one of the leaders in custom fitting, PING offers a great array of stock shafts in the G425 Max driver. My dynamic loft is 21.1* while his is 16.0*. 95 mph -5 and neutral are the same, and 100 mph neutral +5 are the same total distance? For me, spin loft is a much more important number. By the numbers, that makes it a bit more aerodynamic, though the shorter typical build lengths tend to offset any swing speed gains. The highest recorded ball speed is 225 mph by former long drive champion Ryan Louw. I wish the would always use "out to in" vs. positive / negative as it makes much more sense. Golfer B’s ball speed is 150 mph. that too is sweet, cause the draw head cancels the slight fade caused by the stiffness of the shaft. Your numbers will vary significantly based on a number of factors. Lastly, it is critical to … For a PW, a club speed of 72 mph and mid-trajectory results in a dynamic loft of 36.7 degrees." LPGA Tour players are some of the best in the world at optimizing these numbers and getting the most out of their club speed. I usually don’t have a problem with distance so I told him the biggest thing I was looking for was a tighter dispersion. Owen, For the driver, a club speed of 94 mph, attack angle of 0 degrees, and optimized carry results in a dynamic loft of 15.6 degrees. Ho Chi Minh City to host Miss Charm International 2021 The Miss Charm 2021 beauty pageant is scheduled to be held on October 11 in Ho Chi Minh City following several previous cancellations. Side note: You can hit long drivers with a negative attack angle, that is what DJ does, but his equipment is tuned for his specific swing. I noticed that for swing speed 95-100 it states that you will get essentially the same distance regardless of angle attack? Spin creates lift (upward force on the ball causing it to go higher) but also creates drag (slowing it down). Say there is 1,000 replies from members. Like most things the answer is... it depends. For irons and wedges. We also display the shot’s 3D trajectory together with 26 impact and ball flight parameters in real time (data is delivered within 1 second). Typically what we look for in Dynamic Loft with irons is a number that is a little less the static loft of the club - Attack Angle. “My preference is to see club path numbers within a +/- 3-6 degree range, depending on whether the golfer wants to play a fade or draw. Every golfer should be fitted to achieve the optimal balance of launch angle and spin rate based on their club speed and ball speed. Playing Tips Bad impact such as shots hit on the toe or heel will reduce the potential ball speed. With us, you’ll quickly become an insider of the most revolutionary training tool in the industry. So I am using velocity and launch angle to project the ball into the air vs. spin to create height. It’s the lowest spinning of the PING G425 drivers. I just spent about 30 min hitting balls on Trackman and comparing my numbers to pros to get plenty of information to answer this question, all the time discussing it with our head pro and another former pro who happened to be here. June 2019 The ROK Golf team brings varied experience and qualifications to the golf industry. Ball speed, launch angle, and spin rate must be optimized to reach a golfer’s potential distance. I look at their numbers and their smash is 1.35... 1.4. My advice for you is to find a facility or professional that can give you access to TrackMan and knows the data enough to advise you figuring out what ideal is for you currently and what you can potentially work towards. Along with ball speed, launch angle is a primary component to determining the height and distance of a shot. For a driver that should be 1.5, if it is not, something is wrong. The TrackMan numbers are the brain behind it all. More loft generally increases spin rate. I get asked this question more than any other when it comes to people wanting to improve their swing. We both had 1.43 smash factors, so his 99.0 mph club head speed produced 141.4 mph of balls peed vs. my 88.7 producing 127.2. ... TrackMan units … You can be lower if you are launching it high via a massive positive attack angle (think long drivers / Bryson). 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