Recent Examples on the Web The attention on the red planet from multiple space agencies could be a boon for planetary science and Mars exploration. Definition of Plan. Earth is the part of the planetary system. antonyms. Example sentences for: planetary How can you use “planetary” in a sentence? planetary nebula in a sentence - Use "planetary nebula" in a sentence 1. "' You are offline. Travel to the planetary systems of other stars is a much more formidable undertaking. 2. 19 examples: I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, because it reminded me of why the planetary… Use "planet" in a sentence. Example Sentences for "planet" Someday planetary space travel for tourists may become a realityI think there are 9 planets in our solar system, including the Earth. Planetary definition is - of, relating to, being, or resembling a planet. Use ‘planetary’ in a sentence | ‘planetary’ example sentences . Translations in context of "PLANETARY DISPENSATIONS" in english-finnish. We produce micro - stepping motor, diameter 10 MM - 50 MM, gear motors , planetary gear reducer can be with me. synonyms. 20 examples: Here, a planetary system consisting of one star and two identical-mass planets… Planetary science definition is - planetology. Find 8 ways to say PLANETARY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. 2. Lyra also hosts the Ring Nebula, the second-discovered and best-known planetary nebula. Further details or specialities must be described by conjunctions and planetary aspects. Examples of planetary surface in a sentence, how to use it. related to the planets in outer . Linguistic search engine and smart translator that helps you find the perfect word or sentence to express your ideas. The planetary list of example sentences with planetary. a n v d [Please select] 0. Planetary example sentences, listen the pronunciation, easily copy & paste. 265+1 sentence examples: 1. Meech even considered marshaling robotic planetary spacecraft for the campaign. Translations in context of "PLANETARY STATUS" in english-finnish. 1. 49- Annual Reviews of Earth and planetary Sciences 38: 665-680 * Long, J.A., Trinajstic, K., Young, G.C. 50- However, a given planetary boundary may interact in a manner that changes the safe operating level of other boundaries. planetary aspect in a sentence - Use "planetary aspect" in a sentence 1. English This is an actual group of people that sit around naming planetary objects. planetary waves in a sentence - Use "planetary waves" in a sentence 1. ‘This strange planetary system came as quite a surprise to secular astronomers.’ ‘The first of his laws of planetary motion asserts that planets orbit the Sun in ellipses.’ ‘This tradition owed much to Ptolemy's work on planetary motions.’ ‘Lunar and planetary exploration is … Look through examples of Planetary translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. 3. Translations in context of "PLANETARY SYSTEMS" in english-french. How can I put and write and define planetary in a sentence and how is the word planetary used in a sentence and examples? The shell no His Thesis was a study of " Planetary Waves ." Al Gore says everyone should worry about what he calls a planetary emergency. Stephen Gloor says: 3 May 2005 at 2:50 AM. The planetary gear need How to use planetary in a sentence. 265+1 sentence examples: 1. Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary: The United States and other spacefaring nations are required by treaty to protect Mars and other non-earthly planetary systems from … HERE are many translated example sentences containing "PLANETARY DISPENSATIONS" - english-finnish translations and search engine for english translations. 25 examples: Along with the more widespread availability of meteorites and a better… planetary satellite in a sentence - Use "planetary satellite" in a sentence 1. Planetary used in sentence example & words in English. Is there any intelligent life living on this planet? Learn Ludwig. Sentence examples for in a planetary context from inspiring English sources. 14 examples: These are capable of eroding a planetary atmosphere entirely, and of preventing… Log in. 2. 用planetary造句, 用planetary造句, 用planetary造句, planetary meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Learn the definition of the word "planetary" and how to use planetary in a sentence. "There's an other-planetary aspect to it ." 2. Sentence examples for in a planetary atmosphere from inspiring English sources. 20 examples: The mechanical energy administered to a planetary surface by the impact of a… HERE are many translated example sentences containing "PLANETARY STATUS" - english-finnish … 3. Encyclopedia Britannica RELATED (2) in a global context. How to use planetary in a sentence. A Planetary system is a set of gravitationally bound non-stellar objects in or out of orbit around a star or star system.Generally speaking, systems with one or more planets constitute a Planetary system, although such systems may also consist of bodies such as dwarf planets, asteroids, natural satellites, meteoroids, comets, planetesimals and circumstellar disks. 2. To study the universe amazing things and know about the history, composition, formation, evolution and interrelation of the astronomical objects. The planetary expert explained that Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet because it hasn’t cleared the neighborhood around its orbit. . In addition, it replaced the Atlas-Agena vehicle for NASA planetary probe missions. Check 'Planetary' translations into Hungarian. He's urging lawmakers right now to act and to act fast to avoid what he calls a planetary emergency. Eventually, in a single sentence you can say that; “Planetary Science study starts from the core of the Earth and ends into the furthest galaxies” Is not that interesting! Examples of planetary science in a sentence, how to use it. I have been reading William Kinninmonth’s article called “Climate Change – A Natural Hazard” In it he tries to imply that climate researchers are not taking into account ocean warming and the effect on the Earths radiation balance. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "PLANETARY HISTORY" - english-spanish translations and search engine for english translations. Abstract: The design and calculation of the closed harmonic - planetary gear box are detailedly discussed this paper. Sentence example with the word 'planetary' planetary aberrant, allover, circuitous, deviating, enormous, heliacal, lunary, nebulose, serpentine, stray, wandering Definition adj. 2. Planetary nebula definition is - a usually compact luminous ring-shaped nebula that is composed of matter which has been ejected from a hot star at its center. more_vert. is not responsible for their content. Examples of planetary exploration in a sentence, how to use it. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Linguistic search engine and smart translator that helps you find the perfect word or sentence to express your ideas. definitions. & Senden, T. 2008. We could see another planet through the telescope at the observatory. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "PLANETARY SYSTEMS" - english-french translations and … 198- Grinding Mill, Grinding Mill Suppliers and Manufacturers grinding ball mill for separator UBE 0.4L small planetary lab grinding ball mill machine.. 199- Grinding Mill, Grinding Mill Suppliers and Manufacturers lab grinder mill machine UBE 0.4L small planetary lab grinding ball mill machine. NGC 3195 "'is a planetary nebula located in the constellation Chamaeleon. Use ‘planetary’ in a sentence | ‘planetary’ example sentences . There are also several planetary satellites and among themselves. exact (2) Studies of matter under high pressure are especially important in a planetary context. click for more sentences of planetary nebula: 16. Beginner’s guide to step forward in the field of Astronomy. Examples of Planetary in a sen . 2. He said he was accepting it on behalf of everyone trying to make a difference on what he calls a planetary emergency. Translations in context of "PLANETARY TRANSIT" in english-french. Context sentences for "planetary" in German. planetary / examples. 2. At this point planetary waves may no longer penetrate into the stratosphere ). Someday planetary space travel for tourists may become a reality. Molecules may be found in many environments, however, from stellar atmospheres to those of planetary satellites. 60 Responses to “Planetary energy imbalance?” 1 2 Next » 1. Examples of planetary system in a sentence, how to use it. 5. Top searched words Sentence with the word Planetary. planetary probe in a sentence - Use "planetary probe" in a sentence 1. Planetary definition: Planetary means relating to or belonging to planets. Translations in context of "PLANETARY HISTORY" in english-spanish. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "PLANETARY TRANSIT" - english-french … of or relating to or resembling the physical or orbital characteristics of a planet or the planets Last update: July 22, 2015 . April 16, 2020 by admin Leave a Comment. in a worldwide context. Examples of planetary atmosphere in a sentence, how to use it. planetary in a sentence - 14 Lists.
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