Overhead, the lights showed the old timbers, used to brace the roof. Mother lies on her side, her face next to mine, taking small sips of air each time the van fishtails, then holding her breath as Dad corrects and it snakes back into the lane. to brace for impact means: you are in some kind of means of transportation (plane, bus, car, train, whatever) and a danger arises that the means of transportation is going to crash into something. 3. thorough brace, hand brace, brace and bit, bib and brace. WHY MX record isn't propagating after pointing a domain to Yahoo Mail Server? Pronunciation /breɪv/ See synonyms for brave. The shorter the distance between the grip and the string, the greater the amount of … Educated by Tara Westover. English Language Learners Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for speakers of other languages learning English. The wind is furious, the view out the window pure white. “Shouldn’t we drive slower?” Mother asks. To physically or mentally prepare oneself for something, typically something that is imminent, in an attempt to limit any adverse impact. The Meaning of the Word “Brace” To score a brace in soccer means one player has scored two goals in a single game. What's the meaning of 'For justice speaks thus to me'? Is there an idiom meaning "not to do something that makes oneself look more awkward" in an already awkward situation? Double it? (obsolete) Armor for the arm; vambrace. Look up for your redemption draws nigh. ‘a neck brace’. Be ready for it. From the skies. Opinion • Staff Op-Ed. (prepare for impact) preparar-se vp verbo pronominal/reflexivo : Verbos que precisam do pronome "se". What's the meaning of “to brace … for impact”? : "This violin music gives me the chills" or "Being all alone in that old house after dark...it gave me the chills. brace (oneself) for (something) To physically or mentally prepare oneself for something, typically something that is imminent, in an attempt to limit any adverse impact. He braced himself against the crowd. Ice claims the road. To place in a position for resisting pressure; to hold firmly. I braced myself for that big bump by holding onto the seat in front of me. Etymology: From brace, from bracchia, the. What does 'brace for impact' really mean? (intransitive) To prepare for something bad, as an impact or blow. Richard pulls over. How much disk space do the "command line developer tools" take up? To prepare or position so as to be ready for impact or danger: Union members braced themselves for a confrontation with management. What's the meaning of “coiled for action”? This guy who likes me (doesn't know I know he likes me) told my friend he doesn't want to confess in a way where he seems like he's bracing for impact o.O what does that even mean? Brace up definition is - to turn (a yard) nearer to the fore-and-aft position by hauling in the lee brace. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, English Language Learners Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. My body tenses with hers; together we brace a hundred times for impact. The sights and sounds of this incoming object will strike fear in the hearts of many. She is so rigid, I think she might shatter. Or lying down? You don’t need to hug someone else to brace for impact lol. Embrace for impact doesn’t really make sense. How powerful could a person with superpowers/group of superhumans be without greatly affecting world history? 5. countable noun. (obsolete)A measurement of length, originally representing a person's outstretched arms. brace!' 14 to steady or prepare (oneself or something) as before an impact. How do the functions Reap and Sow actually work behind the scenes? 4. 1 Ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage. * Fairfax is often given if the aircraft must make an emergency landing or land on water. It is coming. Brace for Impact: Miracle on the Hudson Survivors Share Their Stories of Near Death and Hope for New Life [Firman, Dorothy, Quirk, Kevin] on Amazon.com. brace verb [T] (PREPARE) to prepare yourself physically or mentally for something unpleasant: The weather forecasters told us to brace ourselves for a heavy storm. ", take an action that will complicate things; do something with a negative, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All English definitions from our dictionary. To brace something means to strengthen or support it with something else. Meaning of brace. Filters ... All hands, brace for impact! Is S2 still the fastest known star in the galaxy? But multiply it? [VERB noun] Synonyms: support, strengthen, steady, prop More Synonyms of brace. To support or hold steady with or as if with a brace; reinforce. Mother lies on her side, her face next to mine" And is there any relathionship between the phrase and previous sentence? How to use brace in a sentence. Then divide it! Snowflakes flick against the windshield like tiny insects, a few at first, then so many the road disappears. On January 8, 1989, a Boeing jetliner crashed during an emergency landing near East Midlands airport in England, killing one-third of the passengers on board. What's the meaning of “Make a play for it”? There are many ways one can imagine this. Written by: Tajairi Neuson. All rights reserved. Search brace for impact and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. What can cause my radio to transmit nothing but a terrible noise? Brace for Impact. Translate brave into Spanish. It means grabbing hold of anything that is fixed from the position she is in so she is not injured upon impact. 108 likes. What's the meaning of “For far too many”? English (US) Filipino. It’s three in the morning, and we are making our way from southern to northern Utah, when the weather changes from the dry chill of the desert to the freezing gales of an alpine winter. Meaning of brave in English: brave. a hand tool for drilling holes, with a socket to hold the drill at one end and a cranked handle by which the tool can be turned, something that steadies, binds, or holds up another thing, a structural member, such as a beam or prop, used to stiffen a framework, a sliding loop, usually of leather, attached to the cords of a drum: used to change its tension, either of a pair of characters, , used for connecting lines of printing or writing or as a third sign of aggregation in complex mathematical or logical expressions that already contain parentheses and square brackets, a line or bracket connecting two or more staves of music, an appliance of metal bands and wires that can be tightened to maintain steady pressure on the teeth for correcting uneven alignment, any of various appliances for supporting the trunk or a limb, (in square-rigged sailing ships) a rope that controls the movement of a yard and thus the position of a sail, to provide, strengthen, or fit with a brace, to steady or prepare (oneself or something) as before an impact, to control the horizontal movement of (the yards of a square-rigged sailing ship), a work garment consisting of trousers and an upper front part supported by straps over the shoulders, a hand tool for boring holes, consisting of a cranked handle into which a drilling bit is inserted, either of two strong leather straps upon which the body of certain types of carriage is supported, English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus, Collaborative Dictionary English Definition, it can be used to describe a feeling of fear or a positive emotion; e.g. 1 A device fitted to something, in particular a weak or injured part of the body, to give support. To fifty, then to sixty. HOWTO use tikz to generate diagram to show organization of big proof (non-terminal nodes are lemmas, and other auxiliary propositions), Could I ask my supervisor to help me coding an implementation of a scientific paper's algorithm. The definition of a brace is a support for something such as a building part or an injured body part. Richard sits tensely, his hand clutching the armrest, his knuckles bleaching each time the tires slip. See also: brace, for 2. rev 2021.4.1.38970. To support or hold steady with or as if with a brace; reinforce. As a rule of thumb, shorter brace heights are always found on faster bows. Brace definition is - prepare, steel. Brace height has the greatest impact on two areas of a bow’s performance. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Like saying: I died a thousand deaths [embarrassment]. I had braced myself for rejection, so hearing that I'd gotten the promotion was a very pleasant surprise! [closed]. Dad grins. You need to brace him for what's about to happen. 3. ; a bitstock. Dad pulls onto the highway and accelerates, rapidly, as if to make a point, until he has doubled Richard’s speed. vb mainly tr. Has the distribution of income and wealth in the USA got much more skewed towards the rich in the last 4 decades? We push forward into the heart of the storm. brace (Verb) To swing round the yards of a square rigged ship, using braces, to present a more efficient sail surface to the direction of the wind. Dad takes the wheel, Richard moves to the passenger seat, and Mother lies next to me and Audrey on the mattress. You can complete the definition of brace for impact given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster... English-Definition dictionary : translate English words into Definition with online dictionaries. The van skids and jerks. Why is 行く used in the sentence "すぐに出て行け". The reason she says a 100 times is probably because she means they clenched up their muscles or grabbed onto things many times during the drive. 10 another word for → bracer 2. More example sentences. I braced myself for that big bump by holding onto the seat in front of me. brace verb [T] (SUPPORT) Stack Overflow for Teams is now free for up to 50 users, forever, what's the meaning of “for some time now”. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. (noun) ... Brace meaning. Many will drop from overwhelming fear as the earth has not witnessed this kind of destruction and devastation on such a massive scale as will be. noun. The full text is here: But when most people hear the word “brace,” they either think of a strong type of support for a structure or even a body part, or they think of the action of standing strong ready to embrace some sort of impact. A curved instrument or handle of iron or wood, for holding and turning bits, etc. How to use brace up in a sentence. Tuck your arms and elbows close to your sides. By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. ‘Traditional and conservative treatments include bed rest, ice followed by heat therapy, medication regimens, braces, and physical therapy.’. (prepare for impact) ( impacto ) prepararse para loc verb locución verbal : Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como verbo ("sacar fuerzas de flaqueza", "acusar recibo"). 13 to provide, strengthen, or fit with a brace. Could you please tell me what the meaning of "together we brace a hundred times for impact" is? To assume a brace or crash position is an instruction that can be given to prepare for a crash, such as on an aircraft; the instruction to 'brace for impact!' Brace definition: If you brace yourself for something unpleasant or difficult , you prepare yourself for... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples (My body tenses with hers). brace (plural braces) 1. It is literary exaggeration. Hi everyone! That which holds anything tightly or supports it firmly; a band… The base verb brace means to use your arms and/or legs and/or body to steady yourself so your body does not go flying into the air or against something with even greater force than it would if you were not bracing yourself. Uses of Fourier / Laplace transforms in chemistry (apart from spectroscopy). To furnish with a brace. 11 (in square-rigged sailing ships) a rope that controls the movement of a yard and thus the position of a sail. tsb.gc.ca U n impact im mine nt est annoncé, et une annonce est faite pou r informer l es passagers qu'ils doivent prendre une position d e protection . brace yourself for [sth] v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." Given the relative safety of air flights, what we haven’t heard in some time is “Brace for impact.” The brace position is described as: Placing your feet flat on the floor. Want to improve this question? Then halve it! Embrace for impact doesn’t really make sense. Many translated example sentences containing "brace for impact" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. ... On a more positive note, the FCC has yet to publish the net neutrality repeal in the Federal Register, meaning the digital apocalypse is not yet upon us. It only takes a minute to sign up. What does brace mean ... All hands, brace for impact! Bracing can even just mean preparing mentally for an impact. brās . Aircraft occupants can significantly increase their chance of survival and lower their risk of injury by assuming an appropriate " brace for impact " position. Could you please rewrite the phrase(together we brace a hundred times for impact) based on what you have explained? site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. You can refer to two things of the same kind as a brace of that thing. 2. Brace for Impact: Miracle on the Hudson Survivors Share Their Stories of Near Death and Hope for New Life The first is speed. * The boy has no idea about everything that's been going on. Why are most circular pizza peels designed with holes in metal. As doctors tended to … Please look up each word and tell us what you haven't understood (in doing so, please quote the relevant definitions and tell us how they don't fit the context). Brace yourself! English @ the Movies: 'Brace For Impact' - YouTube Today on English @ the Movies we talk about the saying "brace for impact." What does brace mean? Thanks for your patience. I can't give you every one. Imagine this scenario. Okay, brace for impact in ten! February 9, 2018. They can be putting their feet against the sides of the van if they are lying on it horizontally while pushing against each other. ! All hands, brace for impact! One can also brace oneself mentally for bad news. “I’m not driving faster than our angels can fly.” The van is still accelerating. Traveling the world without entering countries? ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. 3. brace yourself for [sth] v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." This isn't an idiom and the words that make up the phrase at issue frequently occur together. Brace for impact. 12 See → braces. Préparez-vous pour l'impact dans 10 ! or 'brace! Update the question so it's on-topic for English Language Learners Stack Exchange. An imminent impact was announced, and passengers were instructed to brace themselves. what's the meaning of “groping for political relevance”. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Why is unique_ptr not equality_comparable_with nullptr_t in C++20? @Peace They can be bracing themselves against each other. Preparing to hear something emotionally bad, or preparing for an impact (for an example: car going to crash) I'm in the process of getting everything posted and a website as well. He says we can’t go any further. Brace Yourself for the Impact. I don't know her position in the van, sitting? to brace for impact means: you are in some kind of means of transportation (plane, bus, car, train, whatever) and a danger arises that the means of transportation is going to crash into something. Etymology: From brace, from bracchia, the. adjective. My landlord claims I didn't pay rent even though I can prove I did - What can I do? What can cause my radio brace the impact meaning transmit nothing but a terrible noise that... Sounds of this incoming object will strike fear in the process of getting everything posted a... If they are lying on it horizontally while pushing against each other of many about to happen to steady prepare... 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