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clash of the titans

THE day after this fête, Helen received a letter from her mother that alarmed her much. She becomes a greater treat every day.' very important point of his wife's dress. So she was prepared with . ", "Yes, my dear, I said so, but what of that? They may all hate, all envy, ", "Why, you do not mean to say," said Lady Walden, laughing, "that Mr. Birkett presumes to have any political opinions of his own, after having attended me so lately, and with the hope of vaccinating baby still before his eyes? He alarmed her, first by the eagerness with which he poured out his affection, and then by the bitterness of his reproaches because, as he averred, it was not returned. and that he would have no opportunity for being angry with her again. You are nervous and tired, and just see what a state you have put us into: only look at me, with my eyes as red as ferrets', and you know how I hate to cry. ", "Thank you; and now that I know all, let me go to him. "My dear, Mrs. Douglas, I have not been married nine years–or ten at the very utmost.". She knew She thought Lord Teviot charming. The election was decided; the five or six voters who had hung back all came in to the winning side; and in half an hour Lord Beaufort and his cousin were declared, duly elected. Are you equal to that exertion, Ernest? ", "Teviot is a great friend of mine," said Lady Portmore, with a look of great discretion. He got up, and walked moodily up and down the room. This period of reclining boards and dumb-bells was the most flourishing age of the Eskdale and Douglas friendship. Indeed, I saw a house to be let some way back from the street, and standing by itself. This misunderstanding/estrangement was a little tiresome, although I suppose Helen does at least have the excuse of being very young; Teviot seemed rather petulant at times. '", "No, did he really say that?" Then she found every day some fresh cause to doubt whether she were as happy, engaged to Lord Teviot, as she was before she had ever seen him. Waldegraves, who all dropped in in the course of her visit. I am excessively fond of that girl. intimated that Lady Teviot's room was not fitted for her, and obtained one less noisy and better furnished; and finally went himself to the packet-office, sent in his card, and obtained without difficulty the information he wanted. Not from He knew they were acquainted with each other, and the arrival of Helen's favourite friend would reconcile her to the Portmore visitation, and to the consequent delay of her return to Eskdale Castle. wear off. At last they arrived at the entrance of the bridge, and there stood the mayor and the magnates of the borough, with white staves in their hands and white ribbons in their button-holes, and white scarves over their shoulders; and Mrs. Mayoress, gorgeously arrayed, holding a bouquet to present to Lady Teviot; and the young mayors and mayoresses giggling at "the figure papa cut with a white shawl on," holding bouquets for the rest of the company. scrapes from his unguarded way of talking; and she supposed that Lady Eskdale doing the youthful, galloping about the country flirting with her husband; I suppose she will begin dancing next. What could be more absurd than to assemble a crowd to witness a man and woman promising to love each other for the rest of their lives, when we know what human creatures are,–men so thoroughly selfish and unprincipled, women so vain and frivolous? Despite these flaws, The Semi-Attached Couple is an unusual and entertaining work, offering an engaging picture of society between the Regency period and the Victorian era. The breakfast table was covered every morning with letters from enterprising travelers who were naturally going to the other side of England; but who could make a détour to St. Mary's if they were wanted, and who added in a postscript that they should be there before an answer could arrive to stop them. Still the band went on playing; still the barricade stood firm; and still the balloon remained flaccid. Ship This Item — Qualifies for Free Shipping Buy Online, Pick up in Store Check Availability at Nearby Stores. think that having people to stay in one's house gives more trouble than The Trevors have been obliged to go to Walden, and papa and mamma are left quite alone; and I thought we might surprise them with a visit now, instead of next month, when you promised to go to them. Mr. G. had been a youthful friend of the late Lord Teviot's, and the kindness which he received from the father he now repaid to the son. I was terrified lest any of our new troosso should be stole. However, Miss However, I hope we shall dine there again some day or another.". I "Ah, she looked very pretty," said Sarah. Ring for Hunt. lawyer makes a speech for fee. may turn out false; but it is certainly very annoying"; and then she repeated to her sister the facts stated to her by Colonel Stuart. ", "And strong principles, which would lead her to be a good wife even to a bad husband; but she would be a very unhappy wife with a husband who did not care for her. away the reputations of her friends. who derived unmixed delight from the occurrence was Mrs. Douglas. This is really very sad"; and Lady Portmore looked radiant with sorrow. St. Mary's Abbey, at which her honeymoon was to be passed, was the most magnificent of all Lord Teviot's residences. He was always quarrelling with her–at least, so she thought; but the real truth was, that he was desperately in love, and she was not; that he was a man of strong feelings and exacting habits, and with considerable knowledge of the world; and that she was timid and gentle, unused to any violence of manner or language, and unequal to cope with it. Some little time ago she would have waged war to the knife against anyone who could have spread or believed such a report; but now, as it had been told to her in confidence, she began by writing it to fifteen intimate friends; and then took to dissecting it with her accustomed consistency. door closed than Lady Sophia jumped up from her sofa with a laugh, and It is a shabby world to live in, but I do not mean to let the worshippers of the rising sun who took me up drop me again easily. Lord and Lady Eskdale had heard from Amelia the intelligence she had gathered from Colonel Stuart, and he, with all the guests, were preparing for their departure, feeling that the family, under their present circumstances, would be glad to be left to themselves. It is impossible it should be otherwise; and then you will forget that now her father and mother and all that Eskdale clan are more to her than you are.". Stuart, but somehow she, Mrs. Douglas, should never get rid of Amelia, I am very unhappy, but to-morrow I shall hear from him, and I mean to be at Southampton before he lands. "Yes, I think he is," said Ernest, "rather out of spirits, and very much out of cash, I suspect; the old story of cause and effect. I drive her out of her own room, if I come into it," thought Lord Teviot. but why has he powdered his face like a clown at Astley's?" said Lady Sophia, throwing herself of the sofa; "it is ", "Oh! "He wants to send me off on a special mission to Lisbon." How very kind! But despair gave her energy, and she called to Ernest to take his seat. To be sure, that poor dear Lord Walden might as well have put off dying just for a month, and then the Trevors could have stayed here. ", "She had, indeed," said Mary; "but it is all over now, is not it, Helen, dear? It may be kept a secret a few days longer.". ", "But the best thing I can do. Helen, do you think that I was wrong in asking him to come here? ", "Ay! Nothing more is asked. exclaimed Helen, clasping her hands; "I shall cling to you all more than ever, and none of you must give me up. They were more attached to each other than many husbands and wives are after twenty-four years of married life; and they had been in the daily habit of taking a comfortable half-hour's talk in Lord Eskdale's library, uninterrupted by any of their children. She knelt down, and, taking his thin hand in hers, said, "You have been overtiring yourself with those tiresome letters. ", "And does she really mean to give away £60,000? It was the sort of thing that the world might have talked of; and I never know how I escaped all sorts of ill-natured remarks. They can shove off old Lisle to India, or make out an embassy for Chaffont. "Oh! never left you. effect," as painters would call it, must be harmony; and this I do not like Lady Portmore at all. I have no patience with married women and their lovers. But at an hotel at a busy seaport town, where large parties land, eager to make a quick transit to London, where whole families arrive, equally eager to obtain accommodation till they enter the floating prisons which are already producing nausea by the view, from the windows, of their constant undulations; where the hall and landing-places are filled with packing-cases, and the entrance is blocked up by trucks; where all the bells are constantly ringing, and it seems to be nobody's business to answer them: all this is very dispiriting. I am very much disappointed in William Montague; he is a regular stick on the stage. It was a concession he did not appear to expect, so they ended very amicably. Oh! Pray say you forgive me." Not a very realistic book, but still fairly enjoyable. The latter was written in 1829, but not published until 1860. Mr. Douglas was so seldom roused to anger that a lecture from him had a startling effect on his wife; and her conscience, moreover, rather reproached her on Helen's account; so she assured Mr. Douglas that her observations had been confided solely to him, and should go no further, and that if she saw any chance of being of use to Helen the next day, she would do what she could; but as for not thinking ill of Lord Teviot and Lady Portmore and Colonel Stuart, and indeed of most people, she really could not oblige him by going so far as that. ", "Helen!" ", "Ah; that pony carriage; that is so like her nonsense. ", "And that is just what he intended," said Amelia; "but I will have a talk with him this evening. There he interrupted her, as he pressed her to his heart. ", "Well, his paw; but my aunt called him off, and Mr. Wentworth instantly "It is very bad for me to go out in the east wind," she said, but smiled ", "It is rather a pity you did," said Ernest, "as things have I feel so much better, and it is such a comfort to be by an open window, and to breathe the fresh air again! burst of tears which had been gathering during the whole scene, of them on such a very incomplete party. She thought all the neighbours tiresome, and Thornbank dull; and finally set up an Extract Book, that last infirmity of blighted hopes. And Helen, my darling Helen! Has Ernest wavered in his allegiance? Eliza thought she should be in the way, and was quietly withdrawing, but Lady Portmore, who had seen Lord Beaufort talking and laughing with her, and had heard Lady Eskdale call her "Dear Liz," thought it would be the right thing to make much of her. ", "Ah, very handsome, beautiful! "What is to be done? Lady Eskdale came back to the company, still crying, and still declaring it was the gayest wedding she had ever seen, and that she was so glad there had been no tears. But hardly had the post gone out, when an alarming report arose that the real, genuine Lord Teviot had gone up to town on Saturday, and that the "observed of all observers" was an architect come down to complete the statue gallery. The relief of tears she had never before in her short, sunny life experienced to this extreme degree. ", "Ah! In fact, but this is between ourselves, I did say to Lord Portmore, ' If you think Teviot had better not come so much to our house, only tell me so, and I will contrive that he shall not dine here so constantly–and yet there shall be no scene, no esclandre.' He danced with her, evening after evening. said Mrs. Douglas, and then paused. ", "Oh! To the advantages of being a Secretary of State and Leader of the House of Commons, he joined those of being a brilliant orator and a very agreeable member of society. I have been long enough in your way now, and so goodbye. ", "Ah, trust you country gentlemen for croaking, and for finding out what is not to be liked; you are never satisfied. She, like the other two, seemed full of deep interest in Helen, and it was with a strange mixture of pride in the affection she inspired, and jealousy of those who expressed it so warmly, that he perused these letters. Mary shook her head, and the party dispersed in various directions. because it must be short; and she admired Helen more than ever for But we ought to make our due inquiries, and I suppose I "So Mr. Winthrop says," added Lady Sophia. youthful days with blessings and love, and whom she had yearned to see Who's knocking there? Harry Lorimer would be a treasure to us just now; but, as I said, I suppose the Teviots might hear of it. I behaved like an idiot and a brute, and frightened my poor child out of her senses, and expected her to love me all the more for it. She ate no breakfast and very little dinner, alternated from fits of absence in solitude to fits of impatience in society. If you remember–", "Well, Mr. Trevor wanted to see your father, and she was obliged to come with him; I do not call that a visit. I suppose we are not to know, for fear we should expect to be asked. She would have been glad to forgive and forget his unkindness about her sister if he had wished it, and altogether was decidedly in favour of gliding back to peace and amity without explanation. Lord Portmore wanted to give me just the same set; at least I told him of one I had seen, and he would have given it to me, only he thought it would be useless; but to return to Lord Teviot. he is never so entirely clear as to feel encouraged to live Amelia did not at all like the aspect of affairs, but consoled herself with the hope that it was a mere lovers' quarrel, and would end in a burst of sentiment; and in the meantime she was glad to divert Mrs. Douglas's attention by showing her Helen's trousseau. It had evidently been newly furnished, and Helen set about arranging the largest room in it for Lord Teviot, with better hopes than she had felt at the hotel. You see I have plenty of amusement," pointing to the heaps of letters that were lying by him. that she might answer, "If I ever did, I do not now." ", "I think it would be difficult to prevent it," said Mrs. Douglas, with an affection of carelessness. How can I ever doubt your affection," he said, with much emotion, "when I know that I owe my life, under Heaven, to your devotion? I am going to answer Lady Portmore! We went at such a pace that I was quite giddy, but found great comfort in the sandwiches, and gingerbread, and chicken and buns you put into the carriage, which was a kind thought, for otherwise we should have gone the whole fifty miles without refreshment. I could not do it, such a bright, buoyant being as she is. If I were not so tired and smoky I should be tempted to make a complete tour of the room, just to kiss all your little hands. ", "No, I think I might ask you in vain to do that," said Lord Teviot, coldly, for he rightly interpreted the meaning of the pause in her sentence. I thought. If Lady Amelia did call then, she ought to be ashamed, with all her pretence of goodness, to pay visits at all on Sunday. it kills me to look at that angel; she will wear herself out, and she looks so miserable, and yet is so calm and self-possessed. Lady Sophia's illness had proved to be measles; and though she was ", "My dear boy," said Lady Eskdale, who could not picture to herself life without husband and children, and had never brought herself to believe in the existence of an unhappy marriage, "how delighted I am! "Did you see Helen, my dear? Eden wrote two successful novels: The Semi-Detached House (1859) and The Semi-Attached Couple (1860). "Ah! "She squeedges, certainly, and pushes about too much; but she has had no time to learn manners. ", "But just look first at my sapphires; I have heard you admire sapphires. ", "Like Ernest! Lady Portmore says she is sure we shall have been too much occupied with each other"–and he smiled rather scornfully–"to think of arranging a pleasant party, and that we shall be obliged to her for inviting a few people we all know. presence. Had you not better come out into the open air a little, dearest? or are they going to St. Mary's? She rose as she spoke, and began, with shaking hands, to collect the few things that were scattered on the table. ", "Mrs. Hunt," said Mrs. Nelson, who was prim, and considered rather pompous in her own set, "I must trouble you not to squeedge my sleeve.". "He will be with me to-day." "We can get out through that window," said Lord Beaufort. You will soon see how naturally one acquires a distaste for any ill-judging individual who presumes not to like one's husband. pacify, and explain, and smooth, and conciliate, till all should laugh at their own volubility and prejudices. All these are well-known facts, and, by parity of reason, was it to be expected that anyone, so formed as Helen was to enjoy as well as to impart happiness, should escape the trials that ought to ", "Well," she said, smiling, through her tears, "you have frightened me into them again. He would have thought it "Pho! ", "Of course I did, because the Wyndhams are my second cousins–at least, we are connected somehow; but now I have another piece of news about Reginald Stuart.". He is actually married by this time. or is there any company coming to the castle? she added, laughing, as she looked round the table. You might have helped her with advice, if the circumstances you state are true. So there are only you and I left, Lady Portmore, and apparently he has not the slightest taste for our society." You know you thought her very pretty that day. In short, it does not signify, but she is altered.". ", "I am very uneasy about Lady Sophia, who is ill.", "Dear me! "As you say, I am not the sort of fellow who takes a romantic view of things, but the freshness and truth of Miss Douglas's mind have a great charm for me. ", Helen always sat on one side of her father, whatever guests there might be; and Amelia observed with pain the earnestness with which she tried to induce Mr. Douglas to take the chair next to her on the other side; but he laughed and left her, telling her he preferred going of his own accord to being sent away. Mary felt better directly, and then she began to look at her mortification rationally, and not passionately. I thoroughly enjoyed this delightful little piece of Victorian era literature. "She thinks I am jealous, or curious, or she would not have shown me all these letters. is going to have iron hurdles all round the pleasure-ground, and I may as well speak to Giles about them to-morrow. "Helen, here is some company for you. That the consent of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas was heartily given need not be doubted; and perhaps the most remarkable facts of this remarkable day were, that Colonel Beaufort so little liked the idea of being separated from "Liz" that he requested his aunt to send his servant and his things over to Thornbank, and settled himself there, to be fêted and worshipped, without even ascertaining whether the cookery were good, or the spare rooms comfortably furnished: the second fact was, that Mrs. Douglas was in a state of such intense felicity that when Lady Eskdale drove off, she observed to Colonel Beaufort, "How wonderfully handsome your aunt is looking to-day! "Now, that is just what I want–somebody who knows which way the wind blows, and who will tell me what I may or may not do; and will make me stay at home when I want to go out and vice versâ. Oh dear, how little we know what the day may bring forth! I saw Lord Beaufort shuffling a cushion about with his feet, and thought that he was of course going to give it to me to stand on, when down he went on his knees, and began saying his prayers, without the least consideration for my chances of cramp. I always wish when he does that I were a lady of great consequence, and could speak out and tell him what I think. This novel is more domestic trials, less humor and insightful into married life of those times. ", "Now, what can I have said that has annoyed him again?" And then the fun ceased for that day, so far as the election was concerned. ", "We must try what we can do to-morrow and bring Eliza back with us; so now to bed. "Deuced unlucky," said La Grange, who was learned in vulgar It tamed her, and she fell slightly–and with the most perfect propriety–slightly in love with her intended son-in-law, and assured Eliza that she was a very fortunate girl, and once or twice went the length of reproaching her for not attending sufficiently to Ernest's wishes and fancies. "Weybridge has six boys of his own, you must remember," said Lord Beaufort. I was afraid of you, I believe–perhaps at last a little jealous; but you were no sooner gone than I found out that I was very unhappy without you. ", "You must be the best judge of that, my dear Jane; at all events, take care to ask the right daughter, not the one with the voice. I trust not.". I had really been completely blind to the whole thing, till one day at my house, your brother said to me, with one of his meaning looks, ' If I want to find Ernest, Lady Portmore, I always come here.' But he saw he had gone too far, and a long silence ensued; she finished her letter, folded and directed it; still he walked up and down the room. He could not recollect her Christian name, but the little fair girl who had such a righteous horror of Lady Portmore. would be less trouble to go to town with Lord Tevoit. I was disappointed when none of the characters were the same, and I also didn't appreciate the more somber mood of this book. I wish she would hear Susan Dawson her catechism while I am away, else she will be sure to forget that long answer to 'What is thy duty to thy neighbour?' Only let your house be full, and she will be happy; and perhaps, when she is a little older and wiser she will be content with a more domestic life." The world says you are in love with Helen. Her natural gentleness and sweetness of temper enabled her to bear, with grief indeed, but without resentment, his starts of violence towards herself; but causeless unkindness to her sick sister she could not endure. Tomkinson was so glad to get away from the uncomfortable attic into which she had been put at the hotel that she was quite condescending to Laurel Cottage, and with the help of Lord Beaufort's servant and Lord Teviot's footman collected a quantity of things from various tradesmen that could not possibly be of any use, further than the pleasure they gave her of passing herself off to herself as an excellent housekeeper. She looked flushed and excited when first she entered, but after a glance round the room her agitation subsided, and it was evidently a relief to her to see that Lord Teviot was not there. I wonder why? ", "I am not sure; I think you will like her; and then she will walk with me And Lady Teviot brought it quite safe all reason for regretting what he had said. I assure you that is not the case. the library, when she was in the gallery. ", "She carries it off very well," said Mrs. Douglas; "but in my humble opinion Mr. Trevor is rather a poor creature, and Amelia is sharp enough to find it out. "Beaufort is going home with me. ", "I do not know it. Well, I think it much the worst arrangement that could have been made. Wentworth. And when Lady Helen came out, leaning on her father's arm, and Lady Eskdale followed, attended by the tall young man, and when they all bowed and curtsied, and got into the open carriage, the father and mother sitting forwards and the young people opposite to them, and when Lord Eskdale took off his black hat and bowed on one side, and the young man took off his gray hat and bowed on the other, nothing could exceed the gratification of the assembly. 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