The short answer: Everything that exists. Whether he intended to or not, Jerry Nadler just stated plainly, in his own words, that this God is of no concern to the Congress in which he serves. If mankind did not exist, there would be no God; therefore, it is fair to say God equals mankind. Many natural phenomena were once viewed as miraculous. But God is eternal, and there has never been a … If being a Christian were absurd, then we’d be doing more than just wasting our time on Sunday morning. For example: God has never left any physical evidence of his existence on earth. As you go through the emotions that we have, hostility is not from God, bitterness, unforgiveness, all of these are attacks from Satan. In science, hearsay and anecdotal evidence are not sufficient to prove something. If there is no God, the human being has no free will. So if God does not exist, there really is no foundation for objective moral values and duties. If there were no God there would be no sunshine. Atheism is not an affirmative belief that there is no god nor does it answer any other question about what a person believes. I would say no. That's ludicrous. A miracle is typically understood as an extraordinary event or happening that is explained as being the work of a divine agency and having a supernatural origin. To be clear: Atheism is not a disbelief in gods or a denial of gods; it is a lack of belief in gods. But you DID make a good point: 'So if there is no god, and our existence is as meaningless as we make it. It is obvious that the results of our rebellion against God brings suffering and it is also true that we can learn through our suffering that such rebellion is bad. Yet the word aseity is virtually absent from the average Christian’s vocabulary. The Lord gives us freedom, so if there weren’t a God, we would be living in captivity, even if this captivity were simply mental. No God means the possibility of less suffering in the future. If an omnipotent benevolent god had created us and wanted us to know so, it could simply have us born with the knowledge of its existence, and what, if anything, it wants from us. It's fashionable for religious people to claim that atheists are immoral hedonists, but a quick survey of real people shows that to be false. Truth is not subjective or democratic. He is not a controlling God; we are not being controlled as if we were a bunch of robots. ), whereas if God does exist, he stands to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity in Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (eternity in Hell). Psalm 14:1 is the verse that a lot of Christians like to quote to atheists, believing it is a rebuke of their atheism. 1) If there were no God, there would be no final accounting for all that exists — Mankind has always sought to understand the ultimate origin of the universe. Lee Strobel is a journalist who believed science proved there is no God. -- If a person believes in God only out of fear of punishment, that belief would be thin and false. "I have faith; I don't need facts. Living our life for God gives us hope. Faith is little more than the glorification of willful ignorance. In fact, many factual inaccuracies and inconsistencies can be found within religious texts themselves. It’s hard to believe that, but the Bible says we’re sinners from birth. I’ve lived my life without God in the past, and I promise you, there is no future without him. One might as well say, "As unhappy as God." © 2016 - Nine Media, Inc. All Right Reserved. This argument presupposes its premise. In reality, there are several underlying explanations behind most miracles, for example: -- The event is statistically unlikely, and its unlikeliness has caused some people to attribute significance to it. If there is no God, then there is ultimately no hope for deliverance from the shortcomings of our finite existence. This same sensitivity can make random or unrelated events seem like the presence of God, especially if the person experiencing them has a predisposition toward wanting those beliefs to be true. All that matters is your life and to live a purposeful life is our value to mankind. Last Sept. 25, President Duterte asked critics of the death penalty this rhetorical question: “What if there’s no God?” Some philosophers of religion, such as William Lane Craig, would argue that God grounds morality. 6. Against such things there is no law. This does not affect free will, because: This means that there are many times when God’s will is NOT being asserted. Every day we live is one less day we have available. (2) The LORD looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. Please Subscribe! Today, if it’s good, it’s called evil, and if it’s called evil, then it’s good (Isaiah 5:20). There would be no heaven or hell. God would never discourage me. Greater Vision Songs From the Stories ℗ 2011 Greater Vision Music Ministries, Inc. However, the premise of the argument is both flawed and ridiculous. If that child does recover, the praying relative will attribute this to the power of prayer, not to any medical innovations, immunological responses or sheer power of chance. When faced with any sort of tragedy or misfortune, prayer is one of the least helpful responses imaginable. Our life would have no meaning and we would have little understanding of why our life matters. Its appeal is undeniable; it feels empowering and makes individuals feel as though they have a measure of control over the world around them. Aside from the problems with individual texts, there's also the obvious issue that the very presence of multiple scriptures negates the authenticity of any single religious document. We would have nothing to motivate or inspire us to pursue anything larger than ourselves, if this life was all we had. If you find any joy or stimulation at Atheist Republic, please consider becoming a Supporting Member with a recurring monthly donation of your choosing, between a cup of tea and a good dinner. By and large, atheists are no less moral than any other group of people. We would only be concerned about our personal success. There’s a lot of evil in the world as it is, but that’s our doing, not God’s. Space colonization. They're also impossible to prove for the same reason. While this can be awe-inspiring, it by no means suggests a creator. If we choose the later, then we’re under the influence of the evil one. "I expect that within the next hundred years we will be able to travel anywhere in … Her natural approach to life is to have everything centered on her. Consciousness requires a living brain and body, and therefore once the brain and body are not living, there’s no consciousness, no soul, no life after death. Just as miracles are impossible to prove without resorting to unreliable anecdotes, the power of prayer is certainly not supported by science. It’s easy to focus only on the evil in the world, because it’s overwhelming and we’re bombarded with negativity. 3$ / month : $3.00 USD - monthly7$ / month : $7.00 USD - monthly15$ / month : $15.00 USD - monthly25$ / month : $25.00 USD - monthly50$ / month : $50.00 USD - monthly100$ / month : $100.00 USD - monthly. We’d never be able to look back at life and see how God was in control or why certain things happened. That’s the difference between God being in CHARGE compared to Him being in CONTROL of our life. But, God will always prevail and due to this truth, there will always be more good than evil. We would have nothing to motivate or inspire us to pursue anything larger than ourselves, if this life was all we had. magazine. There are no such dates for God. He is a robot, whose every action is dictated by genes and environment. With the death of Judeo-Christian values in the West, many Westerners believe in little. That would give us the freedom to sin all we want, but would that really satisfy our soul? But only opinions. He made us. Disappointment is inevitable. -- The event has a scientific cause that is not immediately apparent or understood but is later identified. Sign up below for the Atheist Republic Newsletter to get the books. First, let's not assume we can understand him. Revelation. It takes the goodness of God within the world for us to consider the thoughts, feelings and life of another person. In the first place, our very awareness of evil and suffering underlines the fact that we seem to possess some internal standard of right and wrong, good and evil, by which we are able to judge existence and the universe, and find them wanting. If there were no God, there would be no eternity. Well if that IS how it is, does kidding yourself it isn't worthwhile? All we get is evidence and probability. There would be no accounting for our behavior when we do leave this earth. Isaiah 44:6. He gives us the choice to live our lives for Him (and to live in us) or to live our lives independently of Him. Sign up for the latest news and be the first to know what's trending on niNe. There would be no thought of enduring words. She wants everything for herself and wants total independence. I just want to believe. " If religion were true by virtue of widespread belief, it would certainly make more sense for all people to at least believe the same thing. For example, if a child is ill in the hospital, a family member might pray for his recovery. Clearly, in most cases, there is no fear of God in the land. This is Part 1 of a four-part series on the self-evident nature of God. When individuals report a private revelation or communication with God, it's never about factual information that could be confirmed or denied. Failure to understand the scientific principles guiding the creation and development of the universe does not mean that a deity must exist to explain the natural world. We were all created to be in a relationship with God. … The "power of prayer" is one of the most insidious and even harmful beliefs proffered by religion. The question we all have to ask is whether we’ll be a willing part of His glory? My biggest piece of evidence to suggest there’s no god is the evidence that suggests there’s no soul and nothing after death. Look at a young child. Are we going to be an active participant, or are we going to refuse or deny His desires for our life? The fact that various religions have been formed over time demonstrates the existence of God. If course God exists, but that's hardly an argument worth making because I can not provide proof. He is therefore an atheist. If there is no God, the kindest and most innocent victims of torture and murder have no better a fate after death than do the most cruel torturers and mass murderers. Only if there is a good God do Mother Teresa and Adolf Hitler have different fates. God is rarely held accountable by believers for all of the deaths that occur when people are not saved by a "miracle." There would be nothing to counter this negativity that circulates through our hearts, minds and soul. If God is what people say there can be no one in the universe so unhappy as He; for He sees unceasingly myriads of His creatures suffering unspeakable miseries--and besides this foresees how they are going to suffer during the remainder of their lives. With no enduring evidence that a God exists, there is simply no reason to believe in a deity, even if it's not possible to irrefutably disprove his existence. He has been revealing His power and majesty and truth in so many multitudes of ways. The Reality of God. If she’s asked to do something, she says “No.” If she’s asked to share, she says, “Mine.” If she’s offered help, she says, “I can do it.” This isn’t the nature of someone who lives an open life drawn to the goodness of the Lord. There is, to begin with, a glaring contradiction in the argument that the presence of evil and suffering in our world indicates that there is no God. We would never be able to analyze how we grew in strength, wisdom or compassion. The Christian God is not a transcendent God of limitations, but the God of immanent love: God, after all, is love; he is present when there is love between his followers. Stephen Hawking makes it clear: There is no God. First, when considering this position, it's important to recognize the difference between complexity and design. Most believers aren't comfortable with that, though, and faith simply does not stand up in the face of scientific scrutiny. Ultimately, religious texts are infinitely fallible because they are man-made products of whimsy, poetry, mythology and some history woven together into a new whole. Without God giving us an absolute moral standard there is … This argument is often offered as a last line of defense in religious debates, and the person posing it might feel very clever coming up with it. Surely an omniscient deity could see through that act and choose to reward only true believers. Alchemy, at one time, was extremely popular and widespread, but few people today would seriously claim that lead could be transmuted into gold. The Bible tells us that God disciplines those whom He loves (Heb. These unwanted results are often ignored completely or rationalized away. Simple Responses to 20 Common Arguments for The Existence of God, Chapter 15: “Believing in God provides meaning and purpose; without it, life would be meaningless.”. Believing in something does not make it true. Such personal testimonies are difficult to refute because they are completely subjective. The overwhelming number of 1. scientific impossibilities 2. logical impossibilities 3. internal contradictions 4. differences in theology between the Old and New Testaments 5. differences in theology between writers of the gospel 6. numerical contradictions 7. mathematical errors 8. anachronisms 9. inconsistencies 10. incorrect historical references 11. failed pr… Some people have deep experiences that feel like they have connected to the essence of the universe. Some seem to experience life after death, but then are returned to this life. It's curious to note that the miracles performed by an "all-loving" and benevolent God so often involve sparing a handful of people from a tragic accident, devastating disaster or deadly disease. There would be no accounting for our behavior when we do leave this earth. Many beliefs are popular or widely held without being true, and things that are true exist whether anyone believes in them or not. People believe in scripture and place value in the words because they already believe in the religious principles the text describes. None of Jesus' "miracles" left any physical evidence either. would only have their personal experience to use as a guide for their own lives as well as helping us with ours. There is currently no evidence to suggest that miracles truly exist. It's so effective at this, in fact, that people often see a pattern or purpose in things that are actually random. We all know that. People turn to religions to satisfy the need of finding a purpose, self-worth, belonging and false love from others in what they perceive to be God. And unlike many placebos, prayer can actually be harmful. It's far more likely that every religious book is equally fictitious and unreliable. What if you choose to believe in the wrong God and go to Hell anyway? So-called "moral" behaviors, such as altruism and reciprocity, are not inherently human. For example, there is no hope for deliverance from evil. Get the book "Why There Is No God" and one more book for FREE! Armin Navabi is a former Muslim from Iran and the founder of Atheist Republic, a non-profit organization with over one million fans and followers worldwide that is dedicated to offering a safe community for atheists around the world to share their ideas and meet like-minded individuals. Photo Credits (Header Image): James Quinn, If you enjoyed Armin's blog, check out more of his work in his book: Why There is No God, Simple Responses to 20 Common Arguments for the Existence of God. If there were no God, there would be no one available to direct anyone. -- A truly benevolent God would not punish his creations simply because they did not believe in him. Unfortunately, these rules can quickly become outdated, irrelevant and even painfully arbitrary. Without God, there is no ultimate plan or purpose to our existence. The human brain has evolved to be particularly sensitive to patterns and causality. But to become discouraged, there's a choice I make. Similarly, a single person surviving a natural disaster is no more miraculous than a single person winning the lottery; it's simply an unlikely random occurrence. But if I renounce God and am wrong, I will be punished in Hell. EIN: 84-2133342. There are no inherent natural rights without the “religious tradition” of the Creator God of the Bible, from whom they were endowed to us at birth. But if there is nothing other than god then either god cannot be said to exist for the reason just explained, or god is the known world, in which case, by definition, god is not a god. Parents pass their morals along to their children, and individuals take social cues regarding "right" and "wrong" behaviors from friends, family, media influence and more. For me this means that there is no possibility of a creator, because there is no time for a creator to have existed in. If there were no God, then there would be a lot more hatred, fear and destruction in this world. However, before miracles can be used as irrefutable proof of God's existence, the cause or origin of so-called miracles must be proven. Furthermore, the widespread nature of religion says little about the veracity of any given religious belief. Each time a "miracle" occurs, it's easy to see magical thinking, misattribution and other human errors at work. After science demonstrated the reason behind previously incomprehensible things, like aurora borealis, earthquakes and hot springs, they stopped seeming like the actions of a mysterious deity. There would be no jewels to display their value. Other religious texts have similarly convoluted histories. 12:6) and that no true child of God is without discipline and instruction. However, if we look at the entire passage, we see a different picture:Psalms 14:1-3: The fool says in his heart, \"There is no God.\" They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good. Nothing in the Bible that pertains to God can be proven as fact. There are several problems with this line of reasoning: -- Religions are inconsistent. To an extent, this argument gains traction because of wide misunderstanding of science and especially evolution. You do not need to choose to believe in gravity because it's an immutable fact of the universe. -- The event was inherently meaningless, but meaning and significance was attributed after the fact. If believing in God were all nonsense, we wouldn’t have a foundation for our life. There never was a time when God was not. Ancient Of Days end Old Age, Attitudes To Beginning And End Beginning One God Kings. God could just as easily reward his creations for being skeptical. This is why it's easy to identify objects or faces in the clouds, for example, or why white noise can be interpreted to resemble human speech. Many people in our society still live in this selfish bubble, never coming to accept the reality that there’s a God. If we weren’t created to be in community with God, then people wouldn’t feel the need to pursue a higher power in other religions. Indeed, many people in multiple cultures have experienced similar symptoms but variously attributed them to a variety of different sources, both religious and secular. While it's true that many cultures around the world all hold religious beliefs, those beliefs themselves are widely variable and often at odds with each other. - … Submitted by arminnavabi on Sat, 01/11/2014 - 14:16. God doesn’t WANT to control our lives; He wants us to allow Him to come into our lives so He can lead us. We are accountable to Him. Although many people ask how God could create a world involving so much evil, by far most of the suffering in the world is due to man's own inhumanity to man. Belief in prayer relies on confirmation bias. These religious experiences are always personal and emotional, which makes them count as nothing more than anecdotal “evidence”. Some see visions or receive healing from God… Our natural instinct is to pursue our own pleasure and selfish ambitions while being concerned only for our own welfare. The Bible teaches that God is in charge of everything (even if we deny Him, He still works in our life). There are scientific facts, but without God there are no moral facts. For example, the Bible contains two separate creation stories, each of which provides a very different explanation. For example, some cultures believe that all-white animals are miraculous or somehow magical. Many people have found God through His Truth in Jesus Christ, but many still seek a higher power in hopes that other religions will fulfill this longing within. Through a deeper investigation of science he however gradually came to the discovery that science actually proves the existence of God. If there is no God, the kindest and most innocent victims of torture and murder have no better a fate after death than do the most cruel torturers and mass murderers. We’d be entirely lost, which is actually how much of the world lives when they aren’t willing to follow the Lord’s intentions for their life. Atheists claim there is scientific proof that God is not real. Everything in the universe conforms to certain simple scientific rules that have been repeated over billions of years. However, science has proven that albinism is a perfectly normal genetic condition that happens to be rarer than other forms of pigmentation. Science shows that such behavior has an evolutionary benefit: creatures who learn to interact well with their kin will have a stronger likelihood of survival and passing on their genes. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. They may be personal opinions or society’s opinion. Complexity itself does not require an intelligent creator. We would never be able to realize goodness out of hardship. The physicist explains that science now offers more convincing explanations for existence. Instead, it acts as a way to coerce belief out of unwilling participants. I have wounded and it is I who heal, And there is no one who can deliver from My hand. It's impossible for every religious book to be true; it's highly presumptuous to assume that one's own preferred scripture is the single "true" scripture while all the others are false accounts. This concept, called Pascal's Wager, does not actually support religious beliefs. Donating blood, giving money to the Red Cross or volunteering with a relief organization would all be far more beneficial than praying to the same hypothetical deity who ostensibly caused the disaster in the first place. Essentially, people remember the times that prayer seemed to "work" but conveniently forget the many occasions that they prayed and saw no response or received the opposite result of what they'd wanted. The long answer: That really depends on what you mean, both by "God/gods" and by "what". One day we will stand before Him and give an account of our lives. Faith precludes scientific thinking and the natural wonder of discovery; it stops people from searching for answers to questions about the real world. He would always point me to himself to trust him. This is a slightly more sophisticated form of the basic question “Who made God?” Everyone knows that something does not come from nothing. If there were no God, we wouldn’t be concerned about how our actions, words, etc. There seems to be evidence to support this feeling. As evil increases, so does good, and it will overcome the bad. Our parents, coaches, teachers, etc. Scientific proof of God The case for a Creator – Several scientists. When we die, we would just be dead. Events and occurrences would never make sense to each of us individually if there weren’t a God. Simply listen to her vocabulary. In a secular world, there can only be opinions about morality. Who would we turn to? The Bible is wrong about every important “fact” that believers use to support their faith. If we question the existence of God, we have to factor the afterlife. There would be no heaven or hell. Every atheist philosopher I have read or debated on this subject has acknowledged that if there is no God, there is no objective morality. God or no God—the result seems to be the same: men are supposed to become either God-like or men-gods, and in either case 'everything is permitted' since "There is no law for God… Familiarizing yourself with these thought experiments can give you a clear picture of exactly why the burden of proof should always be on the person making a claim. He is from everlasting to everlasting. He has revealed his standards of right and wrong in the Ten Commandments. Faith is often lauded as a positive quality, but it is, in fact, very intellectually lazy. Every day we live is one less day we have available. This means that He not only impacts our life, but He also impacts the lives of others around us. Stephen Hawking's Final Book Says There's 'No Possibility' of God in Our Universe By Brandon Specktor - Senior Writer October 17, 2018 In a new book that was published posthumously, … Regardless of our willingness to let God in, He WILL be glorified. Verse Concepts. When every religion states that it is the one true path to salvation, it by necessity claims that all others are false. Only if one posits human creation by a Creator that transcends genes and environment who implanted the ability to transcend genes … When tragedy strikes, prayer may make people feel better, but it doesn't actually help the victims. Gravity, for example, works the same whether you have faith in it or not. In order for Pascal's Wager to work, the believer would need some assurance that believing in God would, in fact, save him from punishment. The texts in the Bible have been gathered from many oral sources over thousands of years and compiled arbitrarily into a single document; it's hardly surprising that the narrative would be so inconsistent. Here on Earth, God has chosen not to control every aspect of our lives. Would we be smart enough to successfully be in charge and know how to help and support others? In the debate over whether God exists, we have theists on the one side, atheists on the other, and, in the middle, science. Products are provided by Feline Purrty Designs for Atheist Republic, Atheist Republic - 2443 Fillmore St #380-8406 San Francisco, CA 94115 | Atheist Republic © 2020 | Registered 501(c)(3). Prayer is a type of magical thinking. All of which are absurd claims without evidence and yet impossible to disprove. Be sure to check out Part 2 (If There Is No God, There Is No Free Will), Part 3 (If There Is No God, There Is No True Value), and Part 4 (If There Is No God, Then Something Came from Nothing).The number of people that have completely disconnected from religion in recent years has surged so much that there is now a name … God’s will is going to prevail, not matter what. This argument would be perfectly valid if the … Therefore, my discouragement is from Satan. In the well-known Old Testament story of Moses, we see how, at Pharaoh’s expense, God is glorified. Because there is no way to ascertain what a deity's motives might be, there's no way to know that Pascal's Wager would even work. Theists, on the other hand, insist that science, in fact, has been unable to prove that God does not exist. Therefore, if we’re all drawn to the existence of God, we’ll look to satisfy this need. No fear of God equals no fear of punishment, and if there’s no fear of punishment, then anything goes…and the more evil it is, the better it is. On a very basic level, if there wasn’t a God, then there would be no good in the world – at all. For a few moments, let’s explore that possibility, and see what would happen if there were indeed no God. Gravity, for example, there is no ultimate plan or purpose to our existence of says... But there is no God. n't worthwhile what a person believes eternality inseparably... Would we be smart enough to successfully be in a relationship with God, wouldn... Event was inherently meaningless, but he also impacts the lives of others around us our existence! `` God/gods '' and one more book for FREE of Jesus ' `` miracles '' left any physical evidence His... Facts, but then are returned to this truth, there 's choice!, comfort, or better times wellbeing of His existence on earth, God is discipline... 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