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battle of the somme

The German military accordingly undertook significant defensive preparatory work on the British section of the Somme offensive. Figurines representing each of the 19,240 British soldiers who died on the first day of the Battle of the Somme have been laid out. [3], In the United Kingdom and Newfoundland, the Battle of the Somme became the central memory of World War I. Falkenhayn chose to attack towards Verdun to take the Meuse heights and make Verdun untenable. In the spring of 1917, the Germans retreated to the ‘Hindenburg Line’, a shortened defensive position. [14], The Battle of Verdun (21 February–16 International Encyclopedia of the First World War, Armistice between Russia and the Central Powers,, Battles of the Western Front (World War I), Battles of World War I involving Australia, Battles of World War I involving New Zealand, Battles of World War I involving South Africa, Battles of World War I involving the United Kingdom, Battles involving the French Foreign Legion, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with incomplete citations from May 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2020, Беларуская (тарашкевіца)‎, Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, 1 July 1916 – 18 November 1916 (140 days), All allied objectives achieved at a cost of high casualties, This page was last edited on 1 April 2021, at 12:43. Taking over supreme command in The high Allied casualties of July 1916 are not representative of the way attrition turned in the Allies' favour in September, although this was not sustained as the weather deteriorated. It was a strong point … Philpott described German losses as "disputed", with estimates ranging from 400,000 to 680,000. National Army Museum, Royal Hospital Road, London, SW3 4HTRegistered Charity Number: 237902. In a second phase, the Fourth Army was to take the German second position, from Pozières to the Ancre and then the second position south of the Albert–Bapaume road, ready for an attack on the German third position south of the road towards Flers, when the Reserve Army which included three cavalry divisions, would exploit the success to advance east and then north towards Arras. After the war, Sir William Robertson, Chief of the Imperial General Staff, explained what this strategy was: Ironically, the head of the French Army, General Foch, believed that the attack in the Som… The Fourth Army took 57,470 casualties, of which 19,240 men were killed, the French Sixth Army had 1,590 casualties and the German 2nd Army had 10,000–12,000 losses. The attack would be made by 13 British divisions (11 from the Fourth Army and two from the Third Army) north of the Somme River and 11 divisions of the French Sixth Army astride and south of the river. It is not entirely clear what he means by this. The front line had been increased from one trench line to a position of three lines 150–200 yards (140–180 m) apart, the first trench (Kampfgraben) occupied by sentry groups, the second (Wohngraben) for the bulk of the front-trench garrison and the third trench for local reserves. Combles, Morval, Lesboeufs and Gueudecourt were captured and a small number of tanks joined in the battle later in the afternoon. The German defence south of the Albert–Bapaume road mostly collapsed and the French had "complete success" on both banks of the Somme, as did the British from the army boundary at Maricourt to the Albert–Bapaume road. The defences were crowded towards the front trench with a regiment having two battalions near the front-trench system and the reserve battalion divided between the Stützpunktlinie and the second position, all within 2,000 yards (1,800 m) of no man's land and most troops within 1,000 yards (910 m) of the front line, accommodated in the new deep dugouts. For many in Britain, the resulting battle remains the most painful and infamous episode of the First World War. The first day of the battle was preceded by five days of preliminary artillery bombardment in which the British fired over 1.7 million shells. Battle of the Somme - Real Footage - YouTube. Battle of the Somme - Real Footage. For many, the battle exemplified the ‘futile’ slaughter and military incompetence of the First World War. The defenders on the commanding ground north of the road inflicted a huge defeat on the British infantry, who had an unprecedented number of casualties. The Battle of the Somme was one of the costliest battles of World War I. [86], John Terraine, Gary Sheffield, Christopher Duffy, Roger Chickering, Holger Herwig, William Philpott et al. [53] British casualties on the first day were the worst in the history of the British Army, with 57,470 casualties, 19,240 of whom were killed. At a conference at Cambrai on 5 September, a decision was taken to build a new defensive line well behind the Somme front. Before the battle, Allied forces bombarded the Germans. In December 1915, General Sir Douglas Haig replaced Field Marshal Sir John French as Commander-in-Chief of the BEF. The British Empire had suffered 420,000 casualties and the French 200,000 in the process. Many casualties were inflicted on the Germans but the French made slower progress. (GCSE) are used to teach pupils historical empathy, evaluation and argumentative writing. A ‘Big Push’ on the Western Front would coincide with attacks by Russia and Italy elsewhere. Soldiers of 16th (Irish) Division after the capture of Guillemont, September 1916, For many at home, their first glimpse of trench warfare came from Geoffrey Malins's film 'The Battle of the Somme' (1916).Â, Filmed at the start of the battle, it mainly shows real events, although some scenes were staged for the camera. The film defined the popular image of the war, and indeed created the genre of war cinema.Â. British attacks in the Ancre valley resumed in January 1917 and forced the Germans into local withdrawals to reserve lines in February before the scheduled retirement by about 25 mi (40 km) in Operation Alberich to the Siegfriedstellung (Hindenburg Line) in March 1917. In 1916, the British and French intended to launch a … Progress of the Battle of the Somme between 1 July and 18 November. Experience of crossing the beaten zone showed that such lines or metalled roads could not be built quickly enough to sustain an advance, and that pausing while communications caught up allowed the defenders to recover. The Reserve Army attack began on 26 September in the Battle of Thiepval Ridge. However, Churchill wrote that Allied casualties had exceeded German losses. But for many his leadership was marked by unacceptable losses. Captain George Johnson wore this tunic on the first day of the Somme. The Battle of the Somme, also known as the Somme Offensive, was a battle of the First World War fought by the armies of the British Empire and French Third Republic against the German Empire. At 7.30am on 1 July 1916, 14 British divisions attacked. [69] In the second 1916 volume of the British Official History (1938), Wilfrid Miles wrote that German casualties were 660,000–680,000 and Anglo-French casualties were just under 630,000, using "fresh data" from the French and German official accounts. The Reserve Army attacked to complete the capture of Regina Trench/Stuff Trench, north of Courcelette to the west end of Bazentin Ridge around Schwaben and Stuff Redoubts, during which bad weather caused great hardship and delay. In order to assist their ally, the British launched their attack on the Somme earlier than planned. An intermediate line of strongpoints (the Stützpunktlinie) about 1,000 yards (910 m) behind the front line was also built. The opening day of the attack, 1 July 1916, saw the British Army sustain 57,000 casualties, the bloodiest day in its history. [6] In the first 1916 volume of the British Official History (1932), J. E. Edmonds wrote that comparisons of casualties were inexact, because of different methods of calculation by the belligerents but that British casualties were 419,654, from total British casualties in France in the period of 498,054. [43] The battle began with another mine being detonated beneath Hawthorn Ridge Redoubt. The battle was fought between the Allies (British and French) on one side and the German Empire on the other. The attack was postponed to combine with attacks by the French Sixth Army on Combles, south of Morval and because of rain. [19], The original British Expeditionary Force (BEF) of six divisions and the Cavalry Division, had lost most of the British pre-war regulars in the battles of 1914 and 1915. The original Allied estimate of casualties on the Somme, made at the Chantilly Conference on 15 November 1916, was that the Germans suffered 630,000 casualties, exceeding the 485,000 suffered by the British and French. It took place near the Somme River in France and lasted from July 1 to November 18 in 1916. Who fought at the Battle of the Somme? The French and British had committed themselves to an offensive on the Somme during the Chantilly Conference in December 1915. Many officers resorted to directive command to avoid delegating to novice subordinates, although divisional commanders were given great latitude in training and planning for the attack of 1 July, since the heterogeneous nature of the 1916 army made it impossible for corps and army commanders to know the capacity of each division. With both sides exhausted and winter setting in, the Battle of the Somme came to an end. Share. French losses at Verdun reduced the contribution available for the offensive on the Somme and increased the urgency for the commencement of operations on the Somme. Great Battles [2][3] Until the 1930s the dominant view of the battle in English-language writing was that the battle was a hard-fought victory against a brave, experienced and well-led opponent. Tending a grave near Mametz Wood, August 1916. The whole history of the world cannot contain a Shopping. Europe The cemeteries there were created by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) and have become sites of pilgrimage and tourism. Thought the presentation & interpretation made the subject accessible...". The campaign finally ended in mid-November after an agonising five-month struggle that failed to secure a breakthrough. Initial plans called for the French army to undertake the main part of the Somme offensive, supported on the northern flank by the Fourth Army of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF). 1916 witnessed two of the longest and most notorious battles of the First World War. The silence was announced during a speech by the Prime Minister David Cameron who said, "There will be a national two-minute silence on Friday morning. These losses led to a reconsideration of strategy on both sides of the conflict. July 19-20th, Battle of Fromelles: It was an attack to help support the Fourth army on the Somme river. [62] Sheldon wrote that the British lost "over 400,000" casualties. Ginchy was 1.5 km (0.93 mi) north-east of Guillemont, at the junction of six roads on a rise overlooking Combles, 4 km (2.5 mi) to the south-east. [54][55], British survivors of the battle had gained experience and the BEF learned how to conduct the mass industrial warfare which the continental armies had been fighting since 1914. Quote by Harry Leedham. They did not talk, except for occasionally singing "We're here because we're here" to the tune of Auld Lang Syne. On the Somme the daily carry during attacks on a 12 mi (19 km) front was 20,000 long tons (20,000 t) and a few wood roads and rail lines were inadequate for the number of lorries and roads. The battle was intended to hasten a victory for the Allies. This week marks the 100th anniversary of the first Battle of the Somme -- one of the bloodiest battles in history, which claimed 1,250,000 casualties … On 14 July, four British divisions made a dawn attack on Longueval Ridge. Supported by an intense artillery bombardment, they caught the Germans by surprise and by mid-morning they had captured the ridge. Temporary grave marker for Second Lieutenant Edward Chandos Chambers. [a] Philpott quoted Robin Prior (in Churchill's World Crisis As History [1983]) that the "blood test" is a crude measure compared to manpower reserves, industrial capacity, farm productivity and financial resources and that intangible factors were more influential on the course of the war, which the Allies won despite "losing" the purely quantitative test. The strategic objective of a breakthrough was not achieved but the tactical gains were considerable, the front line being advanced by 2,500–3,500 yards (2,300–3,200 m) and many casualties were inflicted on the German defenders. Grief from the horrific death toll … Communication trenches ran back to the reserve line, renamed the second position, which was as well-built and wired as the first position. [9] A week later the Germans began the Battle of Verdun against the French army. When relieved, the brigade had lost 2,536 men, similar to the casualties of many brigades on 1 July. McRandle and Quirk in 2006 cast doubt on the Edmonds calculations but counted 729,000 German casualties on the Western Front from July to December against 631,000 by Churchill, concluding that there had been fewer German losses than Anglo-French casualties but that the ability of the German army to inflict disproportionate losses had been eroded by attrition. [58] Despite the strategic predicament of the German army, it survived the battle, withstood the pressure of the Brusilov Offensive and conquered almost all of Romania. At the start of the silence, the King's Troop, Royal Horse Artillery fired a gun every four seconds for one hundred seconds and a whistle was blown to end it. The concentration of troops at the front line on a forward slope guaranteed that it would face the bulk of an artillery bombardment, directed by ground observers on clearly marked lines. (20 January 1917)[47], and that half measures were futile, retreating to the Siegfriedstellung was unavoidable. The French would have to conduct a counter-offensive on ground dominated by the German army and ringed with masses of heavy artillery, leading to huge losses and bringing the French army close to collapse. Haig’s infantry were met by a storm of machine-gun, rifle and artillery fire. The Allies had only advanced seven miles (12 km) and there was still no breakthrough in sight. [28], The Fourth Army attacked the German second defensive position from the Somme past Guillemont and Ginchy, north-west along the crest of the ridge to Pozières on the Albert–Bapaume road. [29], The Battle of Fromelles was a subsidiary attack to support the Fourth Army on the Somme 80 km (50 mi) to the south, to exploit any weakening of the German defences opposite. On 24 June 1916, the British began a seven-day preliminary bombardment. Heaton Park was the site of a large army training camp during the war. First World War Just like a Remembrance Sunday silence, a bugler played The Last Post after the silence. [35], In the Battle of Ginchy the 16th Division captured the German-held village. The British troops on the Somme comprised a mixture of the remains of the pre-war army, the Territorial Force and Kitchener's Army, a force of wartime volunteers. After the loss of a considerable amount of ground around the Ancre valley to the British Fifth Army in February 1917, the German armies on the Somme were ordered on 14 February, to withdraw to reserve lines closer to Bapaume. Info. The attack on Serre failed, although a brigade of the 31st Division, which had attacked in the disaster of 1 July, took its objectives before being withdrawn later. For their efforts on the first day of the battle, The 1st Newfoundland Regiment was given the name "The Royal Newfoundland Regiment" by George V on 28 November 1917. South of Serre, Beaumont Hamel and Beaucourt-sur-l'Ancre were captured. On an unsuspecting enemy, Britain unleashed its new secret weapon - the tank. ", "Battle of the Somme to be commemorated with two-minute silence", "Learning War's Lessons: The German Army and the Battle of the Somme 1916", "X. Haig versus Rawlinson-Manoeuvre versus Attrition: The British Army on the Somme, 1916", "Historiographical Essay on the Battle of the Somme", "The Somme from the German side of the wire (From The Northern Echo)", "The Somme in Oral Histories of the First World War: Veterans 1914–1918", Records and images from the UK Parliament Collections, Battle of the Somme, maps and photo essay, The British Army in the Great War: The Battles of the Somme, 1916, Experience of the German First Army in the Somme Battle, 24 June – 26 November 1916, Below F., pp. The situation left the German command doubtful that the army could withstand a resumption of the battle. On 24 February the Germans withdrew, protected by rear guards, over roads in relatively good condition, which were then destroyed. "[81] On 1 July 2016, a ceremony was held in Heaton Park in north Manchester in England. The Battle of the Somme caused an estimated 420,000 British, 200,000 French, and 500,000 German casualties. During the offensive the Russians inflicted c. 1,500,000 losses including c. 407,000 prisoners. This school of thought sets the battle in a context of a general Allied offensive in 1916 and notes that German and French writing on the battle puts it in a continental perspective. The battle was the debut of the Canadian Corps, the New Zealand Division and tanks of the Heavy Branch of the Machine Gun Corps on the Somme. The front trenches were on a forward slope, lined by white chalk from the subsoil and easily seen by ground observers. Preparations for the attack were rushed, the troops involved lacked experience in trench warfare and the power of the German defence was "gravely" underestimated, the attackers being outnumbered 2:1. [44], After the Battle of the Ancre (13–18 November 1916), British attacks on the Somme front were stopped by the weather and military operations by both sides were mostly restricted to survival in the rain, snow, fog, mud fields, waterlogged trenches and shell-holes. "First time @NAM_London today. That army never fully recovered from the loss of so many experienced junior and non-commissioned officers. The Battle of the Somme, especially its first day, is remembered for the devastating and brutal bloodbath that characterised trench warfare during World War I. British officers were also criticised for not taking stock of the devastating losses in their troops, and instead continuing with the offences. Haig consulted with the army commanders and on 17 October reduced the scope of operations by cancelling the Third Army plans and reducing the Reserve Army and Fourth Army attacks to limited operations, in co-operation with the French Sixth Army. More attacks between 3 and 13 July resulted in a further 25,000 casualties. The attack was the debut of the Australian Imperial Force on the Western Front and, according to McMullin, "the worst 24 hours in Australia's entire history". As one German officer wrote. [13] The unexpected length of the Verdun offensive, and the need to replace many drained units at Verdun, depleted the German strategic reserve placed behind the 6th Army, which held the Western Front from Hannescamps, 18 km (11 mi) south-west of Arras to St Eloi, south of Ypres and reduced the German counter-offensive strategy north of the Somme to one of passive and unyielding defence. [citation needed], The Battle of the Somme has been called the beginning of modern all-arms warfare, during which Kitchener's Army learned to fight the mass-industrial war in which the continental armies had been engaged for two years. [38], The Battle of Thiepval Ridge was the first large offensive mounted by the Reserve Army of Lieutenant General Hubert Gough and was intended to benefit from the Fourth Army attack at Morval by starting 24 hours afterwards. Most of the objective was captured and the German defence south of the Albert–Bapaume road put under great strain but the attack was not followed up due to British communication failures, casualties and disorganisation. The Battle of the Somme was fought from July 1 to November 18, 1916 during World War I (1914-1918). The Germans then withdrew from much of the R. I Stellung to the R. II Stellung on 11 March, forestalling a British attack, which was not noticed by the British until dark on 12 March; the main German withdrawal from the Noyon salient to the Hindenburg Line (Operation Alberich) commenced on schedule on 16 March.[46]. Pauses were made from 8–11 October due to rain and 13–18 October to allow time for a methodical bombardment, when it became clear that the German defence had recovered from earlier defeats. The bitter struggle that followed came to symbolize the horrors of trench warfare. The British relied on motor transport from railheads which was insufficient where large masses of men and guns were concentrated. One German officer described the Battle of the Somme as ‘the muddy grave of the German Field Army’. Barbed wire obstacles had been enlarged from one belt 5–10 yards (4.6–9.1 m) wide to two, 30 yards (27 m) wide and about 15 yards (14 m) apart. Following the start of the Battle of Verdun, … One was detonated at Hawthorne Ridge 10 minutes before Zero-Hour, unwittingly signalling to the Germans that an attack was coming.Â, Detonation of Hawthorne Ridge mine, 1 July 1916, The 103rd (Tyneside Irish) Brigade advance towards La Boisselle, 1 July 1916. This gave the Germans time to scramble out of their dugouts, man their trenches and open fire. [59], The British and French had advanced about 6 mi (9.7 km) on the Somme, on a front of 16 mi (26 km) at a cost of 419,654[61][2][5] to 432,000[62] British and about 200,000 French[61][4] casualties, against 465,181[61] to 500,000[5] or perhaps 600,000 German casualties. [45] On 22/23 February, the Germans fell back another 3 mi (4.8 km) on a 15 mi (24 km) front. The French Sixth Army and the right wing of the British Fourth Army inflicted a considerable defeat on the German Second Army but from the Albert–Bapaume road to Gommecourt, the British attack was a disaster where most of the c. 60,000 British casualties were incurred. Tap to unmute. The attack did litter to deter the Watch later. Debate continues over the necessity, significance and effect of the battle. The first months of the Somme campaign were fought by Kitchener’s New Armies, recruited and trained in 1915. But with the French still under pressure at Verdun, there was no question of calling off the offensive. On the south bank the German defence was made incapable of resisting another attack and a substantial retreat began; on the north bank the abandonment of Fricourt was ordered. Until January 1917 a lull occurred, as both sides concentrated on enduring the weather. At the end of the battle, British and French forces had penetrated 6 mi (10 km) into German-occupied territory along the majority of the front, their largest territorial gain since the First Battle of the Marne in 1914. A pause in Anglo-French attacks at the end of August, coincided with the largest counter-attack by the German army in the Battle of the Somme. The British Empire forces were commanded by General Sir Douglas Haig. Under pressure to attack at a time and place not of his choosing, Haig also disagreed with his senior commander, Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Rawlinson. A further retirement to the Hindenburg Line (Siegfriedstellung) in Operation Alberich began on 16 March 1917, despite the new line being unfinished and poorly sited in some places. German artillery was organised in a series of Sperrfeuerstreifen (barrage sectors); each officer was expected to know the batteries covering his section of the front line and the batteries ready to engage fleeting targets. [70], The addition by Edmonds of c. 30 per cent to German figures, supposedly to make them comparable to British criteria, was criticised as "spurious" by M. J. Williams in 1964. The Battle of the Somme, fought in the summer and autumn of 1916, was one of the largest battles of the First World War.With more than one million casualties, it was also one of the bloodiest battles in human history. [82] This event was called "Ghost Soldiers". It took place between 1 July and 18 November 1916 on both sides of the upper reaches of the River Somme in France. Ten mines had also been dug beneath the German front-line trenches and strongpoints; the three largest mines contained about 21 tons (18 tonnes) of explosives each. [36], The Battle of Flers–Courcelette was the third and final general offensive mounted by the British Army, which attacked an intermediate line and the German third line to take Morval, Lesboeufs and Gueudecourt, which was combined with a French attack on Frégicourt and Rancourt to encircle Combles and a supporting attack on the south bank of the Somme. [51][52] The Somme was a great test for Kitchener's Army, created by Kitchener's call for recruits at the start of the war. On the first day on the Somme (1 July) the German 2nd Army suffered a serious defeat opposite the French Sixth Army, from Foucaucourt-en-Santerre south of the Somme to Maricourt on the north bank and by the Fourth Army from Maricourt to the vicinity of the Albert–Bapaume road. Howitzers of 135th Siege Battery on the Somme, 25 August 1916. We just do not have the troops.... We cannot prevail in a second battle of the Somme with our men; they cannot achieve that any more. The Royal British Legion with the British Embassy in Paris and the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, commemorate the battle on 1 July each year at the Thiepval Memorial to the Missing. When the Fourth Army advance resumed in August, the wisdom of not building light railways which would be left behind was argued by some, in favour of building standard gauge lines. [2], In a commentary on the debate about Somme casualties, Philpott used Miles's figures of 419,654 British casualties and the French official figures of 154,446 Sixth Army losses and 48,131 Tenth Army casualties. Haig was not formally subordinate to Marshal Joseph Joffre but the British played a lesser role on the Western Front and complied with French strategy. It was hoped the assault on a 25 km section of the front would not only break the stalemate, but relieve pressure on beleaguered French forces defending against the long-running German assault further south, at Verdun. [83][84][85], Haig and General Rawlinson have been criticised ever since 1916 for the human cost of the battle and for failing to achieve their territorial objectives. [49] The withdrawal took place from 16–20 March, with a retirement of about 25 mi (40 km), giving up more French territory than that gained by the Allies from September 1914 until the beginning of the operation. The Germans were stationed behind a formidable set of defences, the strength of which had been underestimated by Allied intelligence. [48], Defensive positions held by the German army on the Somme after November 1916 were in poor condition; the garrisons were exhausted and censors of correspondence reported tiredness and low morale in front-line soldiers. [41], The Battle of the Ancre Heights was fought after Haig made plans for the Third Army to take the area east of Gommecourt, the Reserve Army to attack north from Thiepval Ridge and east from Beaumont Hamel–Hébuterne and for the Fourth Army to reach the Péronne–Bapaume road around Le Transloy and Beaulencourt–Thilloy–Loupart Wood, north of the Albert–Bapaume road. The objectives of the attack were the villages of Bazentin le Petit, Bazentin le Grand and Longueval which was adjacent to Delville Wood, with High Wood on the ridge beyond. “It seemed all over, hardly 20 minutes from the start. He was injured in the arm.Â. Thoroughly enjoyed it. For a number of months the French had been taking severe losses at Verdun, east of Paris. [12]) If such Franco-British defeats were not enough, Germany would attack the remnants of both armies and end the western alliance for good. Haig’s artillery was expected to destroy German defences and guns, and cut the barbed wire in front of the enemy lines. [citation needed], Across Britain on 1 July 2016, 1400 actors dressed in replica World War I-period British Army uniforms walked about in streets and public open areas, from 7 am to 7 pm. This view sees the British contribution to the battle as part of a coalition war and part of a process, which took the strategic initiative from the German Army and caused it irreparable damage, leading to its collapse in late 1918. These lines were intended to limit any Allied breakthrough and to allow the German army to withdraw if attacked; work began on the Siegfriedstellung (Hindenburg Line) at the end of September. The German defence of the Ancre began to collapse under British attacks, which on 28 January 1917 caused Rupprecht to urge that the retirement to the Siegfriedstellung (Hindenburg Line) begin. Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig commanded the British Army when it achieved arguably its greatest victories, those over the Germans on the Western Front. (Despite the certainty by mid-June of an Anglo-French attack on the Somme against the 2nd Army, Falkenhayn sent only four divisions, keeping eight in the western strategic reserve. The French Sixth Army, with one corps on the north bank from Maricourt to the Somme and two corps on the south bank southwards to Foucaucourt, would make a subsidiary attack to guard the right flank of the main attack being made by the British. Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria wrote, "What remained of the old first-class peace-trained German infantry had been expended on the battlefield". Stã¼Tzpunktlinie ) about 1,000 yards ( 910 m ) high, and ended on November... Despite considerable debate among German staff officers, Erich von Falkenhayn continued the of. 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